The Wall of Light

PART TWO ~ Chapter 13

Tesla's Invention For Defense
By Electrical Energy

Page 91

Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla
~~The Wall of Light ~ Part Two
~~~~~Chapter 13 ~ page 91
~~~~~~~~~~~~PART ONE ~ The Life of Tesla
~~~~.~~~ Foreword ~ by: Arthur Henry Matthews, E. E.
Chapter 1
~ My Early Life ~ by: Nikola Tesla
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 ~ How Tesla Conceived the Rotary Magnetic Field
Chapter 4 ~ The Discovery of the Tesla Coil and Transformer
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Illustration . The Landing of the X-12 ~ April 1941
Illustration . Venus Space Ship X-12 ~ 700 feet wide
~~~~~~~~~~~~PART TWO
Chapter 1
~ The Wall of Light
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
. Tesla Scope 1898 ~ Communicate with Venus
. Tesla Scope 1967 ~ 6 feet long, 4 inches wide
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Illustration . The Silver Ball Time Machine
Illustration . The Giant Space Ship Glided Down
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Illustration . The Machine ~ Gold From Mars
Illustration . Built by Tesla 1917 Space Ship
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 . Tribute to Nikola Tesla ~ First published 1943
Chapter 13 . Tesla's Invention For Defense By Electrical Energy
Chapter 14
. Matthews published ~ Quebec City 1939
~~~~~~~~~~~~PART THREE
Chapter ..1 . The Wall of Light
Chapter ..2
ADDENDUM ~We Can See Without Eyes
Letter to Arthur H. Matthews
~Tesla Transmitter built at Sanford payment for article ~January 24, 1935
Letter to Arthur H. Matthews
~We will give Tesla's idea to head off war publicity ~February 7, 1938
Letter to Arthur H. Matthews
~Suggestion to National Research Council Canada ~June 25, 1940
Letter to Arthur H. Matthews
~National Research Council Canada found no use ~August 1, 1940
Letter to Arthur H. Matthews
~Patent Office Canada Notice File Application ~February 8, 1944
Secretary of State of Canada
pMatthews Patent Application dealt without delay ~February 15, 1944
Letter to Arthur H. Matthews
~Letter of thanks for Arthur Matthews kind words ~September 18, 1952
Letter to Arthur H. Matthews
~Writer finds Tesla Coil and Return of the Dove ~June 22, 1971
Illustration by Arthur H. Matthews
~Enable Blind to See
Illustration by Arthur H. Matthews ~Tesla Turbine
Back Cover
Copyright ~ January 4, 1971
Composed ~ 1941 to 1970
Arthur Henry Matthews
Lac Beauport, P.Q. Canada
Included within January 4, 1971
The Wall Of Light
Articles by: Arthur H. Matthews
Nikola Tesla
Articles of Interest
~~~~~~~We know what the 'scientific' world thought about Nikola Tesla's statement which he made in 1934, that he had discovered a 'new' principle which made it possible to transmit an electrical force, in a beam (not a death ray), of infinitesimally small cross section, something close to one millionth of a square centimeter.
~~~~~~~Because of its attitude towards anything new from Tesla, the scientific world lost (for a time at least) the secret of this new principle. One of the keys to it is in Tesla's statement, "There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment. "As I am writing this for the benefit of the man on the street, it would be well to state that electricity is the old fashioned name for the thing which makes your Radio, T.V., etc. work, and lights up the world, and this new Tesla discovery is just another electrical machine. During his lifetime, Tesla had discovered, invented, and built many wonderful machines, among which are the Radio, Radar, T.V. and MANY OTHERS which I have already told you about.
~~~~~~~In a letter which I received from Tesla in 1932, he said that he had made an extraordinary new discovery, the key to which can be found in the Bible (Revelations), making it possible to send an electric current of very small cross section, through the Earth, above the Earth, and under the sea; also to flash considerable amounts of energy through interstellar space to any distance without the slightest dispersion. This narrow beam is the secret of perfect T.V. of the future, also of Radar, and long distance telephones. By its use we can do away with the aerials, poles, towers and micro-wave reflectors, etc. Also by its means we can communicate with the planets, and, very important, provide power to operate a space ship, which is a big step from the rockets which blast one's head off. It eliminates the need to carry fuel, leaving more space for the payload.
~~~~~~~What is the secret of this discovery? How does it work? In the DEW line for instance, we have a line of stations, each one of which could be blasted off the Earth. In the Tesla system, there are no 'visible' material stations (poles, relays, etc.). Instead, we peak the beam, in standing waves, at predetermined intervals. The 'peaks' rise above the Earth, or over the Earth, at right angles to the feed wave (or beam). The peak can go up any distance which is a radius of the Earth, from the transmitter to each peak, the beam, wags back and forth, or revolves around the Earth at a predetermined speed of from one to 24,000 times per second. In doing this, it sets up secondary (or induced) currents. Any object coming within a peak (or beam) WILL CAUSE SAID BEAM TO INDICATE THE FACT, which is felt at the transmitter station. The position of the object is thus seen, and can, if necessary, be destroyed, by means of the same peak or others.
~~~~~~~Tesla's machine, therefore sets up millions of invisible towers all over the world, under and above the land and sea, so nothing can pass or exist without detection, and by its peculiar action, a war head can be destroyed before it has time to leave home. This machine is therefore the answer to the murder rockets. How does it work and who will be the first to build it? The Soviets, or any one who can use their heads and read, might know how it works because
The Wall of Light

Tesla's Invention For Defense
By Electrical Energy

PART TWO ~ Chapter 13
the secret of its operation can be found in Tesla's lectures. The scientific world ignored Tesla, and certainly, the western world ridiculed his most important ideas. Tesla once said, "The walls of Jericho were made to fall through vibrating energy, directed against them by men who in tune with God, were skillful in the use of intensely simple machinery, but wonderfully effective, and I believe most firmly that when we come to know a little more than we yet know of how to manipulate the force of SOUND, we shall literally remove mountains through an application of the law of vibration. I do not regard the Bible narratives as myths; they are to me a scientific revelation, dim in places, I grant, but nevertheless, storehouses abundantly filled with the vast knowledge accumulated by the Godly and truly learned in ancient times. In the future, men and women who are truly in tune with God will continue to discover wonderful new inventions in the Bible put there by divine will for the good of mankind.
End Chapter 13 Part 2 near the top of page 92
I checked every word in
The Wall of Light
to be sure it was
just as Arthur typed it.
last update
23 June 2021 ~ 12:46
Hello Earth
Historicity Productions
Historicity Productions
91 River Rd.
Stockton, New Jersey 08559
1994 - 2021
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Tesla has taught us to capture and collect
lightning bolts from our Earth.
We are on this path.
site creator & host
Curtis Cooperman
Tesla Electricity
for Health
Tesla Created Ozone
We Create Homozon
Tesla discovered how to
Collect Earth Electricity
to run our airplanes,
to run our cars and,
to run everything on
our Earth.
A Fred Fernandez Creation
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Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla
~~The Wall of Light ~ Part Two
~~~~~Chapter 13 ~ page 91