Now and In the Beginning .................
The Days Just Ahead ....................... The End of Man's Crucifixion ............. This Cosmic Moment ....................... The Nikola Tesla Story .................... Farewell of the Dove ....................... The Arthur H. Matthews Story ........... The Otis T. Carr Story ..................... Let There Be Light .......................... Suggested Reading List ................... |
Return of the Dove
~ Suggested Reading List |
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Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
....Return of the Dove ~ ~~~~~Suggested Reading List |
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla
Suggested Reading List
Bailey, Alice A. Lucis Publishing Co., 11 West 42 Street, New York, N.Y. ~~~~A Treatise on Cosmic Fire ~~~~~~~The above books (with the exception of Unfinished Autobiography) together with many others presented by Alice A. Bailey, were dictated by Ascended Master Djwal Kul, from Shigatse, Tibet to New York City, via Master-to-disciple telepathy. Djwal Kul is a second Ray Master, and directs the studies of many thousands of disciples throughout the world from a subsidiary ashram affiliated with the ashram maintained by Ascended Master Kuthumi, former Chohan of the Second Ray for many years, until July, 1958. |
~~~~~~~Ascended Master Djwal Kul, known to many as the Tibetan since he took His last embodiment in Tibet, is continuing His active work among Second Ray disciples all over the world. Bauer, Maria Verulam Foundation, Los Angeles, Cal. ~~~~~~~This is the story of the discovery of the vault containing all of Francis Bacon's private papers and writings. These are the documents which mysteriously disappeared from England when Bacon, in order to close his work there, arranged for his own funeral by borrowing a corpse destined for potter's field, and then attended the services disguised in widow's mourning veils. After seeing the grave close over the mortal remains of a supposed Francis Bacon, he made his way to Germany, and there re-activated the Rosicrucian Order; later he continued this type of work throughout Europe, consolidating groups of disciples and pouring the vital life of the Spirit into weary hearts. |
taking over that post from the beloved historical figure of ancient Chine, the Ascended Lady Master Kwan Yin. Although Saint Germain still retains His Chohanship, He was recently crowned as Lord of Civilization for the Aquarian cycle. Besant, Annie Theosophical Publishing Co., Wheaton, Ill. ~~~~~~~A guide book for students who wish to take a backward glance through the early days of the Theosophical Movement, founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky at the behest of the Hierarchy. Although the turbulence and fiery zeal demonstrated by those pioneers in humanity's upliftment to the Light, have |
no place in the calm and measured discipleship through which Light, consumes the dark news of today, it is nevertheless stimulating to look in on these embattled Servers at work. Balvatsky, Helena Petrovna Theosophical Publishing Co., Wheaton, Ill. ~~~~~~~The Secret Doctrine (Adyar Edition) ~~~~~~~In the outer world of discipleship, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky has been aptly compared with the Rock of Bigralter. She can only be described as one of Nature's mighty wonders. In this last embodiment she emerged, or perhaps it might be better said that she escaped, out of Russia and into the world. It was not that any Blavatsky was unwelcome in the old Russia of the last century... quite the contrary. Russia simply did not offer sufficient opportunities, amid its corruption and barbarism, for the impetuous Helena to serve the Christ Forces openly and freely. She felt cramped and awkward in that wasteland of frozen |
evil, where even the very Earth was tainted by the satanic forces which had made it a focus of darkness in ancient Lemurian times.
~~~~~~~The entire globe became her abiding place physically; intellectually and spiritually she roamed the far-flung reaches of the Universe. For long centuries, in embodiment after embodiment, she served the Forces of Light. In all history there have probably been few disciples who have enjoyed such a close working relationship with Ascended Masters and Cosmic adepts. Madame Blavatsky was always the general-in-command of outer world strategy. She knew what support the Christ forces needed for their outer world program, and she never failed to measure up to their need. ~~~~~~~Madame Blavatsky was the first tentative public relations agent appointed to serve as a bridge between the Hierarchy and the outer world. The Masters, even in those years of the last century were already preparing for the vast public program being directed today by Saint Germain. Ascended Master Djwal Kul handles outer world public relations for the Hierarchy, and today he works through a large staff of disciples who are employed in various jobs in the outer world. Most of them are trained writers, lecturers, teachers, artists, actors, or theatre craftsmen, and many of them are not aware that they are overshadowed by the Christ forces. ~~~~~~~But in the days of Madame Blavatsky this present stream-lined set-up did not exist. The Masters were just getting the program organized, and Madame Blavatsky was the "girl Friday" who handled the hundreds of outer world office details. She was the ideal type for the job because all barriers, human as well as inhuman, removed themselves in the face of her executive advance. Naturally, in a public relations role, she had many dealings with printers. She was not exactly unreasonable; she was merely unyielding in her demands that "this must be finished at once for the Boss;" or in a tone of hushed confidence she would say: "The Boss wants us to do our very very best on this work, and by the way, He was immensely pleased with your last printing job." ~~~~~~~The harassed printers, bored by the endless daily grind, would |
respond to her import-laden words as a dry sponge responds to water. Thus refreshed, they would return merrily to their type-setting, but only after making solicitous inquiries about the well-being of the Boss, and complimenting Madame Blavatsky on her good fortune in working for an Employer Who was obviously most generously endowed with every known virtue. The printers little realized that Truth pressed close upon them. Bulwer-Lytton Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, Inc., New York ~~~~~~~Zanoni ~~~~~~~Zanoni is a book which should be read by every aspirant who feels the compelling urge to ask that needless question: What can I do personally to help the Forces of Light? |
and is still much read and much discussed. It would be reintroduced to the young people of today, for despite its vintage it is still wholly enchanting. Carr, Otis T. Millennium Publications, 2502 North Calvert Street, Baltimore ~~~~~~~~~~~18, Maryland ~~~~~~~Dimensions of Mystery ~~~~~~~An heretofore unpublished document of scientific symbolism, revelatory of significant technological fundamentals for the Aquarian Age, Dimensions of Mystery offers an entirely new literary approach. It does not fall into any classification set up by Piscean Age editors. It definitely belongs in a free orbit where profundity of spirit can mingle socially with an insouciant Elsom, John R. Meador Publishing Company, Boston, Mass ~~~~~~~Lightning Over the Treasury Building Frazer, Felix J. and Elsa Peters Morse New Age Publishing Co., ~~~~~~~Tomorrow's Money |
George, Henry Henry George School of Social Science, ~~~~~~~Progress and Poverty ~~~~~~~Here are three books, listed above, which will provide neophyte armchair economists with a feast beyond compare. However, with the possible exception of Progress and Poverty, they are already as outmoded as the dinosaur so far as Aquarian Age disciples are concerned. Money as we know it in this year of 1958 is in the museum-piece stage on the Inner Planes. The black magicians and their teeming hordes of tools have held money completely captive for millions of years, irrespective of whether money was represented by gold, wampum or slaves from Africa. |
impossible for him to tie in present effects with causes which he had rooted in past centuries.
~~~~~~~In order to rationalize these constantly recurring situations, millions of people turned to the easy way of blasphemy. They either profaned God because of their misfortunes or, if they were the more sanctimonious type, they raised their pious eyes to the ceiling cobwebs and spoke disconsolately of God's will. Official churchianity applauded loudly, because so long as their contributors shunted God out to the left field, there was a greater demand for on-the-spot services of professional prayer-mongers. For a small fee these agile performers could take the twinges out of the hinges of consciences that were creaking across the land like rusty gates. ~~~~~~~Under their self-appointed power role, these paid professionals could officially forgive profanity and blasphemy, but they could not explain the hidden cause of such actions. They solved that problem by officially upholding as divine and insoluble all vagaries of a lucky or unlucky pattern of living, the outcome of which was more uncertain than a spinning roulette wheel. ~~~~~~~From time to time, rumors that had to do with karma drifted through from the mysterious East. Outraged churchianity took care of that subject in a hurry, and in a way intended to make the listening sinners stop their ears and hold their tongues. The collection box was passed around with strict instructions to contribute to the poor heathens who were languishing in spicy lands like India, so ignorant that they had never heard of churchianity. ~~~~~~~Under the new dispensation all of this has been changed. The inflowing cosmic Light forces the closing of the Circle very rapidly. An individual who sows discord may feel the effects in his own body within an hour or two. This is of tremendous advantage to the disciple, for when he feels discord around him or within his lower bodies, he can transmute it instantly by visually blazing Violet Fire through it. ~~~~~~~But the tools of darkness know nothing of these methods, and when their own discord closes around them they are helpless. In a short time disease grips them, and then death ensues. As |
soon as they shed their physical body they are removed to Temples of the violet Fire to undergo purification. This purification must be satisfactorily completed before they will be permitted to come back into embodiment.
~~~~~~~This cleansing process will sweep through the entire economic system on the planet in a very short time, because that is probably the most critical focus of remaining evil. Although war, churchianity, crime and sex, are all foci of evil in themselves, they have virtually lost their individual identities, and have merged almost completely with the engulfing contamination of the root of evil... money. ~~~~~~~The secret of abundant money has been lost by the race of man on this planet, because man has hidden it from himself in a place he would never remember in his searchings. The secret of money lies hidden in the law of gravity. ~~~~~~~In the very near future man will discover that the force of gravity can be safely utilized only if associated with levitation. The free-energy spaceships now being built by Otis T. Carr of Baltimore do not get off the ground by fighting against gravity. Mr. Carr utilizes gravity to achieve the opposite effect... levitation. In order for a man to levitate or a craft to levitate it is not necessary to do anything about gravity. It is not necessary to challenge gravity. Gravity can be left right where it is... in its own negative forcefield. Any positive forcefield will naturally float away from it. ~~~~~~~Levitation is the exact opposite of precipitation in its effect. In principle they are the same. Whatever is being levitated goes up; whatever is being precipitated comes down, or is attracted into the gravitational forcefield. We can therefore precipitate abundance from the atmosphere, or we can, under the Law of the new dispensation, attract to ourselves any commodity such as money. ~~~~~~~As a race we have completely forgotten how to levitate at will, and yet at one time it was as simple for us as raising our hand. But since the time of Newton we have become quite gravity-conscious. Therefore, it is relatively easy for us to learn to attract or precipitate. ~~~~~~~It is easy, that is, if we clearly recognize that we are dealing |
with physics, and not with metaphysics. Precipitation and etherialization, gravitation and levitation, belong strictly to the high realm of pure science, and the individual who would use these powers successfully must be pure in heart. This protection is a great divine blessing bestowed upon the race. If the impure in heart could levitate machines they would have landed rockets and warheads on the Moon long ago.
~~~~~~~Abundance of wealth will come about naturally under Law as the space Age focuses the attention of the people on levitation of men and machines. Once levitation is accepted as possible, practical, and extremely desirable, the more familiar force of gravity will lose its hold upon the minds of men. The problem is in the mind, not in gravity itself. We must simply know and prove to ourselves that we can employ gravity at will, and that we can likewise levitate at will. The difficulty now is that we accept appearances. We see everyone around us walking on the Earth by lifting only one foot at a time, so we unthinkingly do likewise. We see automobiles rolling along on four wheels and continue to manufacture them to operate in that clumsy, inefficient manner. ~~~~~~~If we wish to change these things, we must simply refuse to accept appearances. We must re-focus the beam of our attention. Actually it is much easier to lift two feet off the ground at the same time and levitate. It is easier to design an automobile to go over traffic, than to shug along, bumper-to bumper, and swing in and out of traffic, mile after weary mile. In any case it is necessary to change the attention first. The result will follow naturally. ~~~~~~~The change in our money system will come as soon as we take our attention away from the present diabolically engineered scheming, and follow natural, scientific methods of blessing money. That which is blessed grows and expands. As a race we will unite in freeing money from the imprisoning thoughtforms no longer needed, thus releasing the atoms and returning them to the universal storehouse. ~~~~~~~The drastic change needed in our money system can be brought into manifestation with rapidity if we will thoughtfully |
focus our attention on the third book listed in this series... Progress and Poverty by Henry George. This economist was one of the great men among the spiritual giants who have appeared at opportune times upon the American scene. His science of political economy is solidly rooted in one certain aspect of the Cosmic Law governing the service required of elemental life held in manifested form. A form, whether it be a human body or skyscraper or automobile, should be held in manifestation only as long as it is being actively and creatively used. But a form such as a planet is not subject to man's control, and is held in manifestation as long as it is being used as a physical body by a planetary Logos.
~~~~~~~All land and water on the surface of the planet therefore belong to the universal storehouse of manifested natural resources. Man sins against the land when he lays personal claim to it, holds it out of creative use, exploits it, or otherwise abuses it. Henry George presented a system which, if followed, would result in freeing all imprisoned and abused land and returning it to the global supply of natural resources. Under his system anyone may borrow the use of land for any constructive purpose of production that will benefit mankind. But he states that private ownership of land must not be permitted to continue. It is an abuse which must be wiped out. ~~~~~~~In his philosophy, written before the turn of the century, he presents his reasons, in a calm, lucid manner. He always tried to be a politely reasonable man. He hoped to win his points with the gentle approach, for he could not bring himself to believe that humanity was actually in love with its own foulness. Yet at every turn he met with hostility and lack of acceptance. He was too valuable a man to waste on ingrates, so he was permitted to withdraw from embodiment, leaving his work for others to develop as a part of Saint Germain's program, until such a time as he may desire to again return to the physical plane to take up New Age tasks. ~~~~~~~Today we can be more forthright in our protests against private ownership of land. Owning a piece of the physical body of the planetary Logos, or a piece of land, is exactly the same as owning a piece of the aggregate physical body of mankind, |
or a captive slave. One is as bad as the other. The slaves have been extremely vocal about their situation and it has been alleviated in part. The good Earth suffers in silence. But on the inner planes it is a silence which resounds like thunder. The storm is building up in intensity and will soon break over the usurious muddle which man pridefully calls his economic system.
~~~~~~~Jesus had something to say about usury two thousand years ago. When He returns into outer activity as a World Teacher it is to be hoped He will not have to mention that subject. The least we can do for Him is to clean up the mess ourselves. Usury and private ownership of land are virtually synonymous today, and both must go. ~~~~~~~Henry George knew all these things, for he carried over great memory sequences form a previous embodiment in Paris during the fateful years that preceded the French Revolution. At that time he was an active working disciple in the field of economics, although he served in another capacity at the court of Versailles. It was during those years that Saint Germain tried to stem the tide of revolution in Europe and form the United States of Europe. At the same time He succeeded in establishing the United States of America, and it was His desire to have the entire western world peacefully organized into states held together by a common bond of understanding. ~~~~~~~The plan of Saint Germain for a United States of Europe still remains to be carried out, but it will be successfully finalized during the next century, together with similar groupings in Asia and the Orient. Thus it can be seen that Saint Germain's United States of America is a pilot nation for the entire world. ~~~~~~~To understand the system of political economy toward which the world is trending at the moment, we can find significant guideposts scattered all through the writings of Henry George. Progress and Poverty is his outstanding book because of its tremendous heart quality. The quality is there because he carried over the formulated science of political economy acquired during his years at the Court of Versailles. ~~~~~~~When he wrote Progress and Poverty in the United States he was a lone worker, bringing forth cherished memories from the past. But in Paris he was part of a group of intellectuals |
who were spiritually oriented to their task by Saint Germain.
~~~~~~~Their mission was a dangerous one politically and stood more to fail than to succeed at that particular time. But the men and women in the Versailles group had seen so many civilizations rise and fall that they were not concerned about that aspect. Had they not had that kind of experience in previous embodiments they would have been of no value to the group. ~~~~~~~The Versailles group did not accomplish all that had been planned, but the one main objective did succeed and stands unshaken today... the United States of America, under the firm guardianship of Uncle Sam. Saint Germain was Samuel, the prophet, in a former embodiment, and in many incarnations had used that name. He therefore established the symbol of Himself as Uncle Sam, so that the nation which grew up around that symbol could always enjoy the protection of His guardianship. ~~~~~~~France and America were firmly united in mutual assistance, for it was thought that when the new United States of America was launched, the French people would have the strength to lead Europe to its great destiny of unification. Russia was likewise to be included and Saint Germain was successful in placing Catherine the Great on the Russian throne. Had France continued on her path of destiny, Russia would likewise have succeeded. That plan was interrupted, but such interruptions are always temporary and hurtful only to those who refuse to follow a plan which will fit into the divine Plan. For more than 150 years most of the energy which France and Russia have expended on their outer world work has been mis-used. Now they will have to start over again, for destiny cannot be avoided. ~~~~~~~The Versailles group remained steadfast until the very end, hoping that Marie Antoinette would not succumb to the cloud of despair that hung over her. Saint Germain was untiring in His efforts to help her, but the task which she had so graciously accepted in happier days was more than she could cope with emotionally when she heard the ugly sound of the rabble at the palace gates. ~~~~~~~Marie Antoinette became queen many years after the Versailles group had been organized during the reign of Louis |
XV, and she had never really grasped the vision of the original plan. It was the socially gifted Countess Jean DuBarry who actually held the group together, both inside and outside the palace, and during both reigns... Louis XV and XVI.
~~~~~~~Countess DuBarry had the good sense to turn every opportunity to advantage to further whatever projects she might be sponsoring at the moment. She possessed great personal beauty and charm of manner plus an amazing ability to play any role demanded, and play it to perfection. Her consummate skill as an actress was so outstanding that she became historically identified as a courtesan, the role which she played year after year. She was always on stage, always in character, and always willing to change roles a dozen times a day if necessary. And it was indeed very necessary for those who expected to survive court intrigue, scandal, lies and general blackmail. Survival in itself was considered sufficient, and it required the gay courage of a person like Countless DuBarry to accomplish anything beyond that. ~~~~~~~It was the Countess DuBarry who successfully and secretly arranged for the cloistered meetings of the Versailles group in an upstairs room near her quarters in the palace. Over a period of many years these roundtable sessions were held and detailed plans formulated for the new United States of Europe. Documents were drafted and re-drafted, studied, discussed, and submitted for general approval. ~~~~~~~Downstairs in the palace reception rooms Countess DubBarry played her gayest of roles while the meetings were in progress. It was her task to keep everyone amused and interested so that the long absences of certain key guests would not be noticed. The work upstairs continued undisturbed and the final draft of the necessary document was at last completed. It was prepared in the palace by the most astute minds in Europe, but it was essentially and basically for the humble, not for the great. ~~~~~~~It was a noble plan, prepared by those who were noble in spirit, and it linked a free people to a free world. It was to be a Declaration of Independence for all Europe, but it never |
reached the eyes or ears or hearts of the very people it might have set free from limitations. Leadbeater, C.W. Theosophical Publishing Co., Wheaton, Illinois ~~~~~~~The Chakras (Adyar Edition) ~~~~~~~Here is a reading feast that includes some of the very choicest Piscean Age ingredients. Some of the statements in the two books on that most puzzling of subjects... man... may be confusing to the Aquarian disciple. But the reader should keep in mind one salient fact... when these great spiritual pioneers were plowing a path through a world atmosphere which reeked with the stuffy smugness of Victorianism, they were working |
blind, trying to feel their way. If the furrow they plowed is not quite straight it only means that Aquarian disciples must smooth out the rough places. A reading of these books will orient the alert disciple as to where to begin his work.
~~~~~~~Remember that this globe and all inhabitants, both in embodiment and between embodiments, have been under planetary Law until very recently. When spaceships began to be seen frequently, and the attention of the people became focused on things interplanetary, a new state of consciousness was born. Nearly ten billion souls associated with evolution on this planet must now get themselves into a state of mind wherein they can freely accept, not only space visitors from other planets, but also the complete freedom from limitations which cosmic Law will bring to this planet. ~~~~~~~We can no longer accept death as a natural event here on Earth, because our new neighbors on other planets do not know limitations such as disease, and death from disease. They do change physical bodies from time to time, but the change is completely under control of the individual. It is made for some specific reason and is not regarded as a matter of distress for anyone. ~~~~~~~Likewise, we can no longer accept the scientific methods used on this planet, and the long and costly experimental research projects. It is an utter waste of time to spend years in a laboratory trying to find an answer to a certain problem, when a few minutes spent in communication with scientists on another planet would result in the needed data. Those students who would like to start some fascinating scientific explorations immediately, can do no better than get acquainted with Leadbeater's Occult Chemistry. ~~~~~~~Leadbeater and Annie Besant worked in close collaboration on the original volume which is out of print. But when the Hindu disciple, C. Jinarajadasa, grew to maturity and became head of the Theosophical Society, he revised Occult Chemistry and brought it out in a large new edition in 1951. ~~~~~~~There is a very interesting story connected with these two men. The Leadbeater family originally lived in England, and the father, a railroad builder, was called to South America to |
supervise a new line which was being constructed in forested territory inhabited only by wandering Indian tribes. There were two sons in the family... Charles and a younger brother. One day when the father planned to visit the construction site for a couple of hours and then return directly to his home in a nearby town, he took the two boys with him.
~~~~~~~Shortly after they arrived the construction camp was attacked by hostile Indians, and the younger boy was killed. Many years passed and, back in England again, Charles completed his education and entered the ministry. He was assigned to a parish and was regarded as highly successful in his chosen work. One evening he happened to go to a lecture which was given in London by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. He sat listening in spellbound attention, and when at the end of the lecture Madame Blavatsky announced that she was leaving the following day for India, Charles Leadbeater determined that he would accompany her, and her small group of disciples. ~~~~~~~Within a matter of hours, Charles Leadbeater changed the entire course of his life. He left everything... home, church, family, friends, financial security, and even his native country. With only his personal possessions and a completely new state of consciousness, he joined the group for the long boat journey. On the boat he had many conversations with Madame Blavatsky. With this brief instruction he arrived in India and embarked upon a new way of life that was almost the exact opposite of the one he had so abruptly left behind. ~~~~~~~He had been in India only a short time when he discovered why he had made the journey. The parents of a small boy in a distant village sent for him. They had discovered that their little son had a certain destiny planned when he came into incarnation, and he was to be placed in the care of Charles Leadbeater in order to receive proper training. It was in this manner that the little boy who was killed by the Indians in South America, was restored to his older brother, Charles. ~~~~~~~These days we are living through now are the most spiritually exciting we have known on this globe for millions of years, particularly in America. In times past, about the only opportunities that disciples had to get together in mutual recognition and |
compare notes, was between embodiments or during sleeping hours when they met in their subtle bodies. Luk, A.D.K. 2502 North Calvert Street, Baltimore 18, Maryland ~~~~~~~Law of Life (Book I) ~~~~~~~Here is the new textbook for the Aquarian Age, and it can be truly said that a book of this kind has never before been published. It is the Aquarian Age in essence, expressed in lucid words. Without a single quibble, it presents straightforward rules for traveling the swift evolutionary road that will lead us all away from Earth's classrooms to the distant stars. No longer will the student or seeking aspirant have time to spend laborious years in the pursuit of truth. The pace will be swift and one-pointed in this Aquarian cycle, with all paths leading to the one glorious goal of the Ascension. |
at hand, one can forget all yesterdays and step over into the new Aquarian way of life with confidence and joy.
~~~~~~~Specifically Law of Life presents unified teachings of Principles. No matter where you stand at the moment, and regardless of previous training, you can apply these unified teachings without the slightest trepidation, because they are solidly rooted in Principles; they are not tainted by personal opinions. Yet they are vital and refreshing, and have the appealing warmth of heart-quality that makes them a joy to read over and over. ~~~~~~~The inner heart's search is for Truth, not fiction. The great universal miracle of creation, the operation of the Universe, and the Principles which govern all, are Truth-in-Action. This is the Truth that nourishes the eternal heart Flame. ~~~~~~~Law of Life gives methods of practical application of laws which cover every phase of daily living, in every walk of life. These laws can be applied to adjust all your affairs of the day, from the moment you waken in the morning until you sleep at night. It is all there, to be applied to family and home life, to business, health, and supply, to friends, to strangers, and to all world events, from weather to politics. ~~~~~~~Life's essentials are no longer a mystery, and a reading of these two books will tell you why we are here, where we came from, how we individualized, what we are meant to do, where we are going and exactly what the goal is, and how we may attain it. ~~~~~~~The Real You can be drawn forth into expression through applying the laws of life, not at some particular moment or hour of the day, but all day and every day. Latent talents and powers from within can be drawn forth into outer activity, and any task completed in joy and in triumph. ~~~~~~~Law of Life is based on Retreat Work, formerly offered only to those who gave up all outer world activity and devoted their entire time to cloistered instruction supervised by Ascended Masters. In the Aquarian Age the student will remain right where he is... in home, family, business, nation... and yet receive Retreat training. In other words, all persons will be students, and the entire globe will constitute one vast classroom offering |
Retreat studies. Law of Life is therefore a Retreat textbook, available for immediate use in the outer world. Mann, Thomas Knopf, New York ~~~~~~~The Magic Mountain ~~~~~~~Keep these books in mind when you need another solid plank in the bridge between the old age and the new. For a while now we can still use the retrospective view so admirably expressed in Joseph and His Brothers. But as Joseph and all the other great figures of history cycle back into incarnation and achieve new heights of spiritual greatness, we will see them in-action-now and the past will fade from human memory. We will remember only the future, the goal which will com- |
plete our circle of evolution by uniting us to the only past worth grasping... our Source. Morgan, Charles Macmillan, New York and London ~~~~~~~Sparkenbroke ~~~~~~~Seek out a quiet spot and live with these books. Let their healing essence flow over you. Here is discipleship of the highest order expressed in books that reached best-seller popularity. The River Line was made into a play which had a short run in London, and as the writer seems to recall, it also laid an egg in New York. But that was not the fault of the play. It was presented in an era when theatergoers had acquired such jaded appetites that everything they consumed tasted like eggs, very scrambled and very stale. |
serene and clear-headed at all times he can be forgiven for his off-the-beam moments. O'Neill, John J. Ives Washburn, Inc., New York City ~~~~~~~Prodigal Genius ~~~~~~~Here is the great story of the electrical age, founded by that Venusian genius, Nikola Tesla, who volunteered to take embodiment on this planet in years when life here was not fit for a pigeon, much less a man... and unspeakably putrid for a gentleman and a scholar. However, he stayed with it physically for 87 years, and then arranged to keep his eye on the situation from a higher and more pleasant vantage point among the Ascended Masters. |
Printz, Thomas The Bridge to Freedom, Box 5, Flourtown, Pennsylvania ~~~~~~~The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak on the Seven Steps to Precipitation ~~~~~~~Thomas Printz is an American pseudonym used by El Morya, Chohan of the First Ray. He has recently presented several books through His publishing enterprise in Pennsylvania. Rochambeau Congress of the United States of America ~~~~~~~A Commemoration (Prepared by authority of the American Congress ~~~~~~~~~~~and the Congressional Library by DeB Randolph Keim.) ~~~~~~~In the pattern of swiftly changing world events that formulate the Aquarian program of the new Lord of Civilization, Ascended Master Saint Germain and His Twin-Ray, Portia, the Goddess of Justice, the name of Rochambeau will stand as a guiding beacon. This is a name to which our New Age school children will turn in love and confidence, as they struggle to separate Truth from that steaming bog of emotionalized fiction which our deluded educator dare to call history. |
certainly not by those misguided free-willers who feel they are not really living it up unless they bathe daily in sweat and tears.
~~~~~~~Return of the Dove is a swift historical review covering the past nineteen million years, and it will be a blessing to world consciousness if such a review can be accepted as a post-mortem to end all post-mortems. To continually dwell upon the sordid story of the past, and to continually hunger after juicy and rotten morsels of history, is not only useless but extremely dangerous. Such emotional and mental dawdling establishes darkness to this planet. Remember that thousands of these dark force tools are still in embodiment, and still contaminating the air we breathe with their emanations of hate and greed. ~~~~~~~Some fortunate disciples have enough light in their consciousness to just call quits with the past and transmute the etheric records which tie them to it. But the average person still craves for comprehension. He must have a clear, visual picture of the last nineteen million years, and then take a good understanding look at it before he can generate enough courage to transmute and sever all links which bind him to nostalgic memories. ~~~~~~~Transmutation is achieved only through proper use of the Seventh Ray of the Violet Fire. This Ray swung into manifestation in 1675. Francis Bacon had been prepared through many, many embodiments for his present great historical role as Chohan of the Seventh Ray and Lord of Civilization. He has the task of housecleaning the globe of all laggards, and from this time on a laggard will be one who refuses to accept the Ascension story, personally demonstrated by Jesus. The planet must be completely cleared of laggards and all their accumulation of filth, during the next 2000 years. ~~~~~~~The reason for the present over-population of the globe is because we are trying to accommodate about eighteen sub-races of three Root Races, on the planet. It simply cannot be done, and no Ascended Master would have attempted it. The abortive attempt was made by the free-willers who desired to take all matters concerning Creation away from God, and handle them |
in a high and mighty, and extremely brassy, pentagon manner.
~~~~~~~Now that Ascended Master Saint Germain is back on the job in His role as Uncle Sam of America, the big global house-cleaning is in full swing. This is not just a surface dusting, for even the etheric records (which some call the akashic) are getting a thorough Violet Ray treatment. The etheric records of the world contain all the subconscious memories of all events on the globe, back to the beginning. The etheric body or the subconscious of each individual contains a similar record of all memories relating to that individual. Thus an individual is constantly adding to his own subconscious structure, and at the same time contributing to the global subconscious. ~~~~~~~Before the laggards came these subconscious structures were perfect. After discord was introduced the etheric records had to accurately register all disharmony as well as harmony. Now Saint Germain is housecleaning certain etheric records with the aid of His disciples who, in former embodiments, were present when the etheric records were made. ~~~~~~~For instance, until a few years ago there existed a complete etheric record of the beginning of the Revolutionary War. In the ethers, the first shot was still coming out of the gun barrel, and any historian who wished to write on the subject of the War could, by mentally reflecting on the theme, tie in with the etheric vibrations. He could pick up such an accurate vibrational picture that he might well feel that he was there on the original scene, firing the first shot. ~~~~~~~In line with the Aquarian program, Ascended wished to remove all such discordant memories of great battle events, so that humanity might more easily forget war. Nearly all of the disciples who worked closely with Uncle Sam in the American and French revolutions, are back in embodiment. With the aid of Washington, Lafayette, Benjamin Franklin, Rochambeau and many others, Saint Germain has visited certain historic spots, and together the group has transmuted the discord in the original etheric records. Thus the cleansed Revolutionary records still stand, but they no longer give off a vibration of pain and discord. They do give off a true vibration of magnificent triumph, of glorious achievement, |
and of a cosmic victory gained by Ascended Masters working in collaboration with angels, elementals and men.
~~~~~~~All history of the future will date approximately from the late Francis Bacon period, with flashbacks to those great scenes of Bacon's earlier triumphs as Joseph, gentle guardian of Mary and the babe Jesus; as Columbus, setting his face toward America, the heart-center of the globe; and as Uncle Sam, sitting in a secluded Boston garden, counseling with His disciples, pouring His great strength into Washington; and finally, when even that was not enough, calling upon the noble Rochambeau, the valiant disciple who could lead French troops into America to save the beating Heart of the world. ~~~~~~~In 1940 George Washington, back in embodiment for the last time to assist Ascended Master Saint Germain in the Aquarian program, made his Ascension. The other great Revolutionary leader, Rochambeau, will continue to carry on outer world projects for Saint Germain. In 1907 the Congress of the United States of America compiled and published an impressive commemorative volume, honoring Rochambeau as leader of the French auxiliary forces in the War of Independence. At the same time a magnificent statue of Rochambeau was unveiled in Lafayette Park, near the White House, in Washington, D.C. ~~~~~~~In 1936, just four years before Washington made his Ascension, a book was published in New York, entitled Rochambeau, Father and Son. The first part was published earlier in France, and the second part was originally written by Rochambeau's young son, who accompanied his father on the historical marches in America, and who had the foresight to keep a running diary of daily events. A forward to Rochambeau, Father and Son, was written by Gilbert Chinard of John Hopins University of Baltimore. It was in the area of Baltimore, south to Yorktown, Virginia, that Rochambeau marshaled his strongest forces and achieved his brilliant victories that enabled the Duc d'Enghien to say: "Thanks to you America is free." ~~~~~~~It is to be hoped that all Americans in this great land, this heart-center of planet Earth, will remember those words, and repeat them in gratitude and in recognition of the magnificent |
comradeship shown by Saint Germain's stalwart disciples who went forward and prepared the way. Saint Germain Saint Germain Press, Chicago ~~~~~~~Unveiled Mysteries ~~~~~~~These three outstanding books were dictated by Ascended Master Saint Germain to Godfre Ray King in the years of the early '30's. King, a former historical personage associated with Saint Germain's newly established United States of America, completed his discipleship in this embodiment and made his ascension. The recording and publishing of these books rounded out his centuries of work on behalf of Saint Germain, and presented to readers a formulated concept of Principles through which Ascended Master Saint Germain's new golden Age will rise to untold heights of glory. Spaulding, Baird T. DeVorss & Company, 520 West 9 St., Los Angeles 15, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Calif ~~~~~~~Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East (Five vols.) ~~~~~~~In presenting his five-volume narrative on experiences during several years of living and learning among the Great Masters of the Himalayas, Mr. Spaulding has emphasized his personal belief in the Masters' abilities to demonstrate the workings of the profound laws of the Universe, which carry a promise that Man on Earth will soon inherit the illumination that will let him learn to transcend death and find the way to Eternal Life. Steiner, Rudolf Anthroposphic Press, New York ~~~~~~~Knowledge of the Higher World and Its Attainment ~~~~~~~Rudolf Steiner was in many ways a great disciple, but he will be best remembered as an educator who wrote his own textbooks and then established schools in which his teachings could be presented, even in a world hostile to his basic concepts. |
~~~~~~~So if you are inclined to the mistaken notion that Steiner was at heart an old-fashioned schoolmaster, just search through his early writings for one of his memorable statements. In effect he said that the dark forces were always on guard to prevent people from becoming too alert mentally. He predicted that in the twentieth century improved conditions in education would lead the forces of evil to use poisonous chemicals to make the populace stupid. He said that the people would even give their approval to mass-poisoning, for they would endorse and uphold fluoridation of the public water supply. Ullman, James Ramsey G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York ~~~~~~~Tiger of the Snows ~~~~~~~This is a fine example of a new age book designed to please the readers of popular sellers, and yet carry the high message that speaks only from the inner heart of a great solitude. |
particular men at that particular time was not a happenstance. It was a planned revelation and fulfillment of an ancient prophecy, as was the ascent of Calvary. If the rope was used in the original Calvary scene, the fact was apparently not recorded. But when The Robe was filmed, that was one of the never-to-be-forgotten scenes in the picture. Wood, Ernest E. E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., New York ~~~~~~~Practical Yoga, Ancient and Modern ~~~~~~~Professor Wood has authored these and many other books, all of which make inspiring and worthwhile reading. The writer is one of the great educators of the world, but his achievements in that field were confined largely to India. He labored there for thirty-nine years after becoming interested n colonial problems which were very close to his early life in England. |
Return of the Dove |
Transcribed by : Curtis Cooperman
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22 June 2021 ~ 17:12 EST |
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