Why & Who Kept Tesla a Secret

Collier's Magazine

Electricity in Modern Life

New York
P. F. Collier and Son
Tesla not mentioned
until the back of the book in a negative way.
See... Danger to Life page 307.
Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Why & Who Kept Tesla a Secret
~~~~Electricity in Modern Life
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla
Find Tesla on 307
Find Tesla on 307
Find Tesla on 307
Find Tesla on 307
Mr. Tesla says...
It is said that he takes this
currency frequently as a bracer.
Being on such familar terms
with alternating electric currents,
Mr. Tesla is probably immune.
As for the rest of us, well
believe him without
trying it.
End.... Danger to Life
next... Electric Railways
skip... to page 355
Mr. Tesla believes that power can
be transmitted in this same
manner from one high tower to another over thousands of miles
of distance, even from
Niagara Falls to the Eiffel Tower
in Paris, France.
skip 13 pages to... Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls
Nothing here on Tesla


Nothing here on Tesla


Nothing here on Tesla


Nothing here on Tesla


Nothing here on Tesla


Nothing here on Tesla


7 more pages on Niagara Falls

but not one word of Nikola Tesla

Page 374

which would not have been forthcoming unless the ability of those in charge to successfully carry out the various plans had been sufficiently demonstrated.

(The next 6 pages tells how other areas benefitted from Tesla's huge creative accomplishment at Niagara Falls).

~~~~The Big Cotton Plant (Utah)

~~~~Ogden (Salt Lake City) Plant

Page 375

~~~~Portland, Oregon

Page 376

~~~~St. Anthony's Falls, Minnesota

~~~~Folsom, California

Page 377

~~~~Fresno, California

~~~~Helena, Montana

~~~~Montmoreency Falls, Canada

Page 378

~~~~The city of Montreal, Canada

Page 379

Page 380 Ends thirteen pages on Niagara Falls
~~~~~~with not one word of the creater of AC electricity
~~~~~~Nikola Tesla.

last update
25 June 2021 ~ 18:52
Hello Earth
Historicity Productions
Historicity Productions
91 River Rd.
Stockton, New Jersey 08559
1994 - 2021
all rights reserved
Tesla has taught us to capture and collect
lightning bolts from our Earth.
We are on this path.
site creator & host
Curtis Cooperman
Tesla Electricity
for Health
Tesla Created Ozone
We Create Homozon
Tesla discovered how to
Collect Earth Electricity
to run our airplanes,
to run our cars and,
to run everything on
our Earth.
A Fred Fernandez Creation
Watch on YouTube
Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Why & Who Kept Tesla a Secret
~~~~Electricity in Modern Life
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla