WOR Radio
New York ~ 1958
Long John Nebel Show
Margaret Storm & Otis T. Carr

interview ~ 11 July 1958 ~ first half

Nikola Tesla
Hotel New Yorker
Otis T. Carr & Long John Nebel at WOR Radio
True Magazine ~ January 1961
Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
~.Listen 11 July 1958 first half
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla
Please Note :
Margaret Storm regrets including Otis T. Carr in her book.
She helped raise $15,000 for Carr and tried to return their money.
See Part 1 of 4 Parts showing Carr was a liar... wasted so much
of our time clouding Margaret Storm's...
Return of the Dove.
Thank you Curt Collins and Claude Falkstrom for your reporting.
Painting by John Storm
Margaret Storm
Margaret Storm : 0:19:28
in this first conversation that
they had... that the space people had with a... Mr. Matthews...
they told him... that a...
Tesla himself... a... had been brought here... in a spaceship. That he was not born on this planet. And that he had been brought here from... Venus... in 1856.
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Long John Nebel... host this show called... The Party Line
This show has three people on the panel plus the host... all questioning
Margaret Storm... with Otis T. Carr & Norman Colton.
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Margaret Storm
11 July 1958
first half
Long John Nebel
Margaret Storm
Otis T. Carr
Norman Colton

Charles Leedham
Ellery Lanier
Don Dunn
Mac users press option key
Ellery Lanier
missed the show
Left Column
Images & Comments

Margaret Storm & Otis T. Carr

interview ~ 11 July 1958 ~ first half

Right Column
Interview Quotes
Long John Nebel : 0:00:06 A month ago... at least two months ago anyway. We have the pleasure talking with... some people from O.T.C. Enterprises Incorporated of Baltimore Maryland. We have the pleasure talking with Otis T. Carr... President of O.T.C. Enterprises and... Norman Colton. We've asked these gentleman to... join us again this morning. We're interested in what they had to say. We've received quite a lot of mail. And a... I'm interested in finding out something about... Mrs. Margaret Storm. And when I say I am interested in finding out something about her... she was with us on... The Party Line before... I think about six or eight months ago. 0:00:59 At that time... we told... about... something about a radio machine... I think it was called that. That Tesla... had invented... and it seems that... Mrs. Storm was... in contact with somebody who lived in England... and this person who resided in England... had a contact with Tesla... who died in the late thirties. So my guest this morning... Mrs. Margaret Storm... author of the... book to be published in the... in the next few weeks it will be released... it's entitled... Return of the Dove. 0:01:44 Otis T. Carr and Norman Colton... Charles Leedham... author and TV producer... and Ellery Lanier... the fact editor of Fantastic Science Fiction... will be with us in a brief period of time. And we have a new gentleman with us this morning... new to the Party Line... Don Dunn of Television Age. There's a couple of more people... I might as well introduce everybody... huh... and my cousin Rodney Dexter. 0:02:16 Lets get it started this way... Mrs. Storm... I wonder if you can tell us... what your connection is... with O.T.C. Enterprises?

Margaret Storm : 0:02:31 Well... a... when I was a... writing Return of the Dove... I a... had almost... a... completed the book... when a... I learned that a... Mr. Carr... Mr. Otis T. Carr... a... had been one of a... Tesla's... disciples so to speak... and had been trained by Tesla... and since I was a... writing about other persons who knew Tesla... I asked Mr. Carr... to a... come up and see me. And a... after we a... talked over his work... I decided that he belonged in the book. So I had a nice place a... between the last two chapters... so we just tucked him in there.

Long John Nebel
Tesla had invented...
Mrs. Margaret Storm... she was with us on
The Party Line
before I think about six or eight months ago.

Long John Nebel : 0:03:20 You say that Otis T. Carr... was a disciple... of... Tesla... ?

Margaret Storm : 0:03:27 Yes... and I think...

Long John Nebel : 0:03:28 ... you mean... you mean... when you use that word... you mean that he was... employed by Tesla?

Margaret Storm : 0:03:33 Well... a... I use that word specifically because... a... when I first started to do research for this book... Prodigal Genius... which was written by a... John J. O'Neill... was one of the books in which I was most... interested. And a... John O'Neill... made quite a point... of the fact... when Tesla died in 1943... that a... his work was completely finished... because he left no disciples... that is... no one who was interested in carrying on his specific work. So naturally in my book... I brought out the point... that Tesla left many disciples... a... first and such as a... Arthur H. Matthews of Canada... and a... Otis T. Carr... who are... carrying on his work very definately.

Long John Nebel : 0:04:22 In other words are you saying Mrs. Storm... as the author of the book in titled... Return of the Dove. That you spent a considerable amount of time investigating Mr. Carr... prior to including him in your book?

Margaret Storm : 0:04:36 No I didn't... a... spend very much time investigating him... I had heard quite a lot about him. But a... I did not... I was not aware... that a... he had a direct connection with Tesla. Until a... he came up to see me... and then when I discovered that... I a... decided very quickly that a... his work belonged in the book.

Long John Nebel : 0:05:00 Mr. Carr's work?

Margaret Storm : 0:05:02 Yes...

Long John Nebel : 0:05:00 I wonder if you could tell us Mrs. Storm... of course we are very fortunate... that we have Mr. Carr with us this morning. But I wonder... if you could tell us... in your own words... something about Mr. Carr's work.

Margaret Storm : 0:05:17 Well... I a... do not a... go into the technical a... end of this... of these a... matters. Because... that's... is not my field. And a... I was interested... merely in the fact... that a... back in 1925... a... Tesla contacted Mr. Carr. Mr. Carr at that time was a... a package clerk in a hotel... here where Mr. Tesla was living... and Mr. Tesla sought him out... and a... asked him to bring... four pounds of unsalted peanuts to his suite... and a... when Mr. Carr took the peanuts up there... Mr. Tesla invited him into... talk to...

Otis T. Carr
was a fake!

Long John Nebel : 0:06:05 Feed the pigeons.

Margaret Storm : 0:06:07 laughs... to talk with him... and a... that was the beginning of a... his a... training.

Long John Nebel : 0:06:15 Mr. Carr... do you agree with that?

Otis T. Carr : 0:06:19 Thank you Long John... a... what she said... is... absoultely true. We wish to state... that we're very happy to be here tonight. I also want to... pay a little bit of tribute... to the tremendous audience that you must have... we don't know how many people it is...

Long John Nebel : 0:06:42 About eight.

Otis T. Carr : 0:06:44 Well... or we don't know... how many states... that it covers. But that we do know this... that there is an age of awakening... and that you do have a tremendous listening audience... there must be a reason for it. And we are here... to try... to... bring this reasoning into being. Now... a... in so far as our association with Mr. Tesla was concerned... he indoctrinated us...

Long John Nebel : 0:07:20 When you say us?

Otis T. Carr : 0:07:21 ... me.

Long John Nebel : 0:07:21 I see.

Otis T. Carr : 0:07:23 Into the space age... in 1925. We were much younger than we are now... and many things we do not understand. But this great man... this great dedicated genius to the humanity... a... kept enlightening us. He taught us... where to go... and what to do... and how to seek... and how to find. And out of this has come our own... revolutionary developements. We build upon the shoulders of giants... and Tesla was one of the greatest.

Long John Nebel : 0:08:09 I was just wondering... in looking at your brochure Mr. Carr... why you didn't include Tesla?

Otis T. Carr : 0:08:17 We have included him throughout our brochure. He was a mystical man.

Long John Nebel : 0:08:23 Well... I mean... is it in here someplace... maybe I missed it.

Otis T. Carr : 0:08:26 It's on the front cover. The return of the dove. Tesla always stood for peace... and we put... the dove...

Long John Nebel : 0:08:36 You mean because... he was feeding pigeons in the hotel room... not at the (?) connection?

Otis T. Carr : 0:08:40 No... no. Tesla... was a man... who was dedicated... to the edification of humanity.

Long John Nebel : 0:08:49 Yes.

Otis T. Carr : 0:08:51 And... the dove to him was a symbol... of peace. And so we put it on the front cover... of our brochure. So that it would mystically... bring into being... when the time was right... the fact that we are the true... a... developer... of... the things that he... newly... he could not bring into being... while he was here... in this particular transition.

Long John Nebel : 0:09:25 Isn't this sort of a mystical way though... of giving... Tesla credit for anything... by just having... a dove on the cover... of this very beautiful brochure?

Otis T. Carr : 0:09:36 Anyone who knew him... knew the symbolism.

Long John Nebel : 0:09:42 Have you recently... had another print run on this?

Otis T. Carr : 0:09:48 Not recently... no.

Long John Nebel : 0:09:50 About how long ago? What was the last print run on the brochure?

Otis T. Carr : 0:09:53 Mr. Colton is in charge of these things.

Long John Nebel : 0:09:55 Mr. Colton.

Norman Colton : 0:09:55 There have just been two print orders... this that you have in front of you is the second... and I believe...

Long John Nebel : 0:10:00 Is this the same one?

Norman Colton : 0:10:01 ... it was the same one that you had here before.

Long John Nebel : 0:10:01 Well... I don't remember the dove before.

Norman Colton : 0:10:02 Oh yes.

Long John Nebel : 0:10:03 Was it.

Norman Colton : 0:10:04 Yes... there have been no change of that kind... made in the printing.

Long John Nebel : 0:10:07 So I was interested in it.

Norman Colton : 0:10:09 There is a little improvement in the... color distribution on the presses... otherwise... a... no change.

Long John Nebel : 0:10:13 Beautiful brochure... beautiful. Mr. Dunn... Don... this is the first time that you've joined us. I know that you've listened to... a couple of the Party Line bits. And a... now... well you get a little idea... of how we sit around and talk... for hours. I thought possibly maybe you'd have a question for... Mr. Carr... Mrs. Storm or... Mr. Colton... or any one of our guests.

Don Dunn : 0:10:40 Mr. Tesla... is... someone I... I... do not know too much about. But... I would like to ask... what practical... discoveries he made... toward space flight?

Mr. Tesla is someone I do not know too much about. But I would like to ask...
Isn't this sort of a mystical way though of giving Tesla credit for anything by
just having a dove on the cover of this very beautiful brochure?
Thanks Long John for telling Carr to give
Nikola Tesla credit.

Otis T. Carr : 0:10:55 Mr. Tesla... may I... (?)(?)... Mr. Tesla brought into being... alternating current... which meant to trans... electricity could be transported over distances... whereas it was confined to short areas... due to resistance. Along with this he developed a... Tesla Coil. And in order to understand this coil you... must look up the definition of it. I do not care to give it here. This meant possible that the electrical age was born. Prior to the Tesla Coil... we had a... a... a... a static electrical age. When this coil was put into practice... it meant that we had spark coils for... interanl combustion engines. It meant that a... electricity in its primary... and in its a... secondary circuits... became a vital force. This man brought all these things into being.

Don Dunn : 0:12:11 What year was the Tesla Coil...

Otis T. Carr : 0:12:15 Oh...

Don Dunn : 0:12:16 ... discovered or developed?

(?)(?) : 0:12:17 Quiet.

Otis T. Carr : 0:12:19 At the turn of the century.

Margaret Storm : 0:12:21 Yes... before the turn of the century.

Long John Nebel : 0:12:22 Another words... you were not associated with him at that time.

Otis T. Carr : 0:12:24 Oh no... not me... no.

Norman Colton : 0:12:28 About 1900.

Long John Nebel : 0:12:30 Charles.

Charles Leedham : 0:12:32 I'm still curious why I had... have no... why I'm not part of the... Nikola Tesla fan club. But... how he happened to... get sluffed off with only a dove on the cover... when there is a whole page in here with... Francis Bacon... Luigi Galleani... and who else I quite forget... Galileo was in here... with pictures and a little text. I was... I was trying to get to the reason... that... he was only mystically represented in the brochure... rather than get a little mention on page 14 or something?

Margaret Storm : 0:13:01 Well... a... could I say something?

Long John Nebel : 0:13:03 Did you have something to do with the brochure?

Margaret Storm : 0:13:06 No...

Long John Nebel : 0:13:06 Oh.

Margaret Storm : 0:13:06 No... but I have...

Nikola Tesla... how he happened to get sluffed off with only a dove on the cover when there is a whole page in here with Francis Bacon... Luigi Galleani and who else I quite forget Galileo was in here with pictures and a little text. I was trying to get to the reason that he was only mystically represented in the brochure rather than get a little mention on page 14 or something?

Long John Nebel : 0:13:06 Did you had a comment... go ahead.

Margaret Storm : 0:13:08 I just had a comment on that if you'd like to hear?

Charles Leedham : 0:13:10 Sure.

Long John Nebel : 0:13:11 Please.

Margaret Storm : 0:13:12 But I believe... a... you serve a lot of number of questions... who are interested in a...a... promoting the... Tesla inventions... and so forth now. And a... a... it seems that... each of us has our... work to do... and a... it... apparently was... a... more than a coincidence that I happen to a... come out with my book... Return of the Dove... at the exact time that Mr. Carr... was bringing out his a... work... which was a... combination of a... Tesla's original developments... and a... of course...(?) my book... that it is about Tesla... yet a... Return of the Dove is the title... again that... the symbol of the dove is represented. And a... if you read the book... a... when... when you read the book... a... you will see why... the dove was acturally more important than Tesla himself.

Charles Leedham : 0:14:17 Again I just repeat... it's a rather mystical way of... giving the man...

Margaret Storm : 0:14:21 Well... a... yes.

Charles Leedham : 0:14:21 It's no doubt that all these people are very enthused.

Margaret Storm : 0:14:24 There was a... there was so much a... that could not be explained... except in mystical terms. And that is the reason for the emphases on the dove.

Charles Leedham : 0:14:33 Was he a rather mystical... individual?

Margaret Storm : 0:14:36 Oh yes... definitely so.

Long John Nebel : 0:14:39 Before we get in...

Margaret Storm : 0:14:40 He was out of this world... laughs...

Charles Leedham : 0:14:42 Really... why?

Long John Nebel : 0:14:43 Looks like were going to have one... that's out of this world tonight too.

Margaret Storm : 0:14:46 laughs...

Long John Nebel : 0:14:47 We're just warming up. We'll be flying soon. Keep the windows closed men. Mrs. Storm... before we get back to... O.T.C. Enterprises... and... Mr. Carr and Mr. Colton. I wonder if you could refresh in my memory... and possibly we may have a couple of listeners who... did not have the... good fortune of... being with us the morning that you... told us about the... Tesla Radio Machine... I think that was what you called it.

Margaret Storm : 0:15:18 Well... it's a radio type set... for interplanetary communication.

Long John Nebel : 0:15:23 Could you tell us something about that please?

it's a radio type set
for interplanetary communication.
He was out of this world...
This is Margaret Storm's second time on the
Long John Nebel Show
the missing show is her first show... she feels we have all heard it.
Hope to locate and post it.

Margaret Storm : 0:15:25 Yes... a... in a... 1938... a... Tesla... was very interested in a... Space... and outer space... and a... a... life on other planets. And this is a subject that he seemed to understand quite thoroughly. I have since learned from a... Mr. Carr... that he... understood it quite thoroughly even as far back as 1925. But in a... 1938 he designed a set... a radio type set... for interplanetary communication. Now...

Long John Nebel : 0:16:01 What's the year again please?

Margaret Storm : 0:16:02 1938.

Long John Nebel : 0:16:04 1938.

Margaret Storm : 0:16:05 Yes. And a... he gave that a... design... to his engineer... Mr. Arthur H. Matthews... who lives near Quebec Canada. And he said to Mr. Matthews... a... you don't need to build this now. But he said in a few years... a... spaceships will be approaching the Earth from other planets. And then you build this set... and a... you will be able to talk to the a... crews... the pilots.

Long John Nebel : 0:16:36 In what language?

Margaret Storm : 0:16:37 Well... I guess a... Mr. a... Matthews a... his first language is English... I believe he also speaks French... but... a... the...

Long John Nebel : 0:16:45 I mean... did Tesla consider...

Margaret Storm : 0:16:47 I don't...

Long John Nebel : 0:16:45 (?)(?) the possibility is rather remote... naturally that maybe the... occupants of the... of the a... spacecraft may speak some language that would be... foreign to earthlings?

Margaret Storm : 0:16:58 He seemed a... he seemed to know... that they would speak English. At least... there was no question of language. So in...

Long John Nebel : 0:17:05 That... that the... Venusians or Martains...

Margaret Storm : 0:17:08 That's right

Long John Nebel : 0:17:08 ... would speak English?

Margaret Storm : 0:17:09 That's right.

Long John Nebel : 0:17:10 huh uh

Margaret Storm : 0:17:11 So a... Mr. a... Matthews then a... read about a... Kenneth Arnold sightings in 1947 I believe. And a... so he immediately looked up his notes... and a... set about building the set. In a... 1948... he had the set completed. So he tuned it in... and he immediately got a... a... spaceship. And a... they had a...

Long John Nebel : 0:17:39 In 1940...

Mr. Matthews then read about Kenneth Arnold sightings in 1947 I believe. And so he immediately looked up his notes and set about building the set. In 1948 he had the set completed. So he tuned it in... and he immediately got a... a... spaceship.
that the Venusians
or Martains would
speak English?
he gave that design to his engineer Mr. Arthur H. Matthews who lives near Quebec Canada. And he said to Mr. Matthews you don't need to build this now. But he said in a few years spaceships will be approaching the Earth from other planets. And then you build this set you will be able to talk to the crews the pilots.

Margaret Storm : 0:17:41 48.

Long John Nebel : 0:17:42 Oh... 48... I'm sorry.

Margaret Storm : 0:17:43 In 1938... Tesla designed the set... 1948 it was built... and functioning. The... you see Tesla was the a... father of radio... you might say... the grandfather of radio. And a... so... this was not... unusual for him to a... design a set of this sort. I will not pick up... anything closer... than five thousand miles... the a... ship or whatever it is... must to be five thousand miles above the Earth. And the small set which Mr. Matthews built... first... a... had a range of... up to thirty thousand miles. And the first ship a... that he contacted... he told me... was twenty-five thousand miles above Quebec. And they had quite a conversation with him... a... on this first a... contact... but...

Long John Nebel : 0:18:34 You said... twenty-five thousand... miles?

Margaret Storm : 0:18:36 Miles. uh huh. The machine has a range... of from five thousand miles... to thirty thousand.

Long John Nebel : 0:18:41 Oh I see... there is a possiblilty... of reaching... a distance of thirty thousand.

Margaret Storm : 0:18:46 Of thirty thousand. This first machine which Mr. Matthews built... is not a full scale machine. He is a... he has since a... a... built another one... or is building another one. In other words... this machine... as it stands now... is really not... equipped for interplanetary communication because... he a... built the model... just with that range... from... five thousand to thirty thousand miles.

Long John Nebel : 0:19:10 Of the distance?

Margaret Storm : 0:19:11 Yes.

Long John Nebel : 0:19:11 The problem there. uh huh.

Margaret Storm : 0:19:13 But a... he can a... a... build... expand the machine so that it can reach... to greater distances. It a... also it's not on radio waves at all... but a... on a... cosmic rays. And um...

Long John Nebel : 0:19:27 Sometimes... we do too.

Margaret Storm : 0:19:28 laughs. So in this first conversation that they had... that the space people had with a... Mr. Matthews... they told him... that a... Tesla himself... a... had been brought here... in a spaceship. That he was not born on this planet. And that he had been brought here from... Venus... in 1856.

Long John Nebel : 0:19:50 Charles Leedham.

Charles Leedham : 0:19:52 This is probably why he knew what language the Venusians would speak. As I understand... there was a misconception that Tesla was born in Italy wasn't there.

in this first conversation that they had that the
space people had with
Mr. Matthews
they told him that Tesla himself
had been brought here in a spaceship. That he was not born on this planet. And that he had been brought here from Venus in 1856.
he can expand the machine so that it can reach to greater distances. It also it's not on radio waves at all but on cosmic rays.
the small set which
Mr. Matthews built first had a range of up to thirty thousand miles. And
the first ship that he contacted he told me was twenty-five thousand miles above Quebec. And they had quite a conversation
with him on this
first contact
Here's the
big secret... Tesla came from Venus
placed on top of the
home page

Margaret Storm : 0:20:01 No... he was born... in what is now... Yugoslavia.

Charles Leedham : 0:20:04 Oh I see. You mean... he was put there... by...

Margaret Storm : 0:20:07 He was placed there... yes. It was a remote mountain provence... a tiny village... and a...

Charles Leedham : 0:20:12 This would prevent curiosity when the spaceship landed.

Margaret Storm : 0:20:15 Yes... and apparently a... arrangements had been made a... a... prior to the landing with a... a... Mr. & Mrs. Tesla.

Charles Leedham : 0:20:24 Did Mr. a... Tesla then speak Venusian English from the time he was born... or did he perhaps forget... and have to re-learn?

Margaret Storm : 0:20:15 laughs. No... I guess he spoke... a... Yugoslavian... or whatever they... Serbian I believe they call the language. No... his father was a... a... that is a... Mr. Tesla... himself was a Serbian... a... a minister of the Serbian Church. And a... so Tesla grew up in that... a... atmosphere.

Otis T. Carr : 0:20:53 May I... may I... interrupt for a moment?

Long John Nebel : 0:20:56 Surely... surely.

Otis T. Carr : 0:20:57 There is a universal language which runs throughout the universe. And this is the language of love... and Tesla knew it very well. And he knew how to communicate without words. And all of us people in this entire Universe... can so... communicate.

Charles Leedham : 0:21:16 How about Matthews... up in Canada?

Otis T. Carr : 0:21:19 We have never... met him.

Charles Leedham : 0:21:22 Well... do you think he had... a knowledge of this... universal... language?

Otis T. Carr : 0:21:26 If Mrs. Storm... says so... I believe her.

Long John Nebel : 0:21:29 I didn't hear her say... did you?

Margaret Storm : 0:21:31 Well... I haven't said it... but I will say it... yes... he certainly... laughs... he certainly has. Mr. Matthews a... told me... a... as he wrote me one time... a... he has provided a great deal of material... for the book and I have... a quite a lengthy chapter in there about him. And a... at one time... I asked him some question about... some communication that he had had from... Tesla. And he replied... and he said... a... well... we didn't always communicate by letter... we had other ways of communicating.

Long John Nebel : 0:22:09 Charles.

Charles Leedham : 0:22:10 I'm curious to know... now that Mr. Carr has brought up this a... fine linguistic point. When Mr. Matthews spoke to the a... radio operator of the spaceship... were they speaking English... or...

Mr. Matthews told me
but as he wrote me one time he has provided a great deal of material for the book and I have quite a lengthy chapter in there about him. And
at one time I asked him some question about some communication that
he had from Tesla.

And he replied we didn't always communicate by letter we had other ways of communicating.
apparently arrangements had been made prior
to the landing with
Mr. & Mrs. Tesla.
Carr never met Matthews

Margaret Storm : 0:22:21 Yes.

Charles Leedham : 0:22:21 ... were they speaking love? Oh... they were speaking English.

Margaret Storm : 0:22:23 They were speaking English. uh huh. laughs...

Charles Leedham : 0:22:27 Now on this radio... I'm fascinated by the fact that it doesn't work at less than five thousand miles. I assume this has to be in a straight line... so there wouldn't be any inconveniences... like taking another step... six thousand mile away on the Earth and unfortunately it doesn't work.

Margaret Storm : 0:22:42 Well a... I don't know that it... has to be on a straight line. But Mr. Matthews did tell me... this... that a... that he has a set... in a certain spot. And the beam... a... which comes from the ship... on which it works... it's so fine... it's much finer than the finest hair... and therefore... Mr. Matthews... never moves the set... even a... a... quarter of an inch. Unless he notifies... the spacepeople. Now he has... a... traveled... up to the Yukon and so forth... and he's taken the set along with him... but then he notifies... he has arragements... made with them. Because... they have... a... calculations made... so that... anytime they want to get in touch with him...

someone : 0:23:31 caughs.

Margaret Storm : 0:23:31 ... they know exactly where they are going to tune in.

Charles Leedham : 0:23:33 Does a... how does he... counter act the revolution of the Earth... with this very fine beam?

Margaret Storm : 0:23:38 That... I wouldn't have any ideas... I'd say... I don't understand the technical things... and I don't go into them. I know my limitations.

Long John Nebel : 0:23:50 Margaret Storm... the author of the new book entitled... Return of the Dove. Otis T. Carr... President of O.T.C. Enterprises Incorporated of Baltimore Maryland. Mr. Norman Evens Colton... Director of Sales Engineering... of O.T.C. Enterprises. Charles Leedham... author and leading TV producer. And Don Dunn... of Television Age. Charles...

Charles Leedham : 0:24:18 I was looking at the O.T.C. Enterprises' brochure... and... which call... which is said... bring with you atoms for peace. And on page...

Long John Nebel : 0:24:30 This is WOR Radio... you station in New York... 710 on the dial.

Charles Leedham : 0:24:36 ... Otis Carr... a... together. In a... the section on
a little bit of prose on Dr. Einstein... there are two questions on this thing... one about Dr. Einstein and one about Dr. Carr. It says... his... on Einstein it says... his mass energy and time equations... have inspired thousand of mechanical developments and times. And I was curious Mr. Carr... I have not a... kept up on this sort of thing... outside of your own a... developments. But what sort of things... what... what are these... mechanical developments in science... that the... Einstein equations have developed... have a... inspired?

I wouldn't have any ideas I'd say I don't understand the technical things. and
I don't go into them.
I know my limitations.
Mr. Matthews did tell me he has a set in a certain spot. And the beam which comes from the ship on which it works it's so fine it's much finer than the finest hair and therefore Mr. Matthews never moves the set even a quarter of an inch.
Unless he notifies
the spacepeople.
someone is having
a hard time grasping
this entire picture

Otis T. Carr : 0:25:16 Dr. Einstein... came up with a tremendous observation... that there was a fallacy... in the... philosophy of life. And this fallacy... was a fact... that it was always predicated by the observer. And very brilliant people (?)... just this yardstick... this measuring device... that this great man... gave to us... and started to build things... predicated to form. The weakness of the observer... and the strength of nature... and... we could not begin to tell you... or even enumerate... the inspiration... and the development in the world of science that has come... by this tremendous observation of this... humble... brilliant... dedicated man. And... he has not been given credit. Because... throughout all of this... he asks nothing for himself... he only spoke one word... peace... and love your neighbor. And... we have a tremendous feeling for him... we were (?)... we have talked to him... and his great inspiration to us... was this phrase that we have used here... if Space were infinate... matter could be made to disappear.

Charles Leedham : 0:26:56 Mr. Carr... I a... certainly go along with many of your sentiments there about Dr. Einstein. But when you say... you could not begin to enumerate... the thousand of mechanical developments... which he inspired. I wonder... if... a... you wouldn't consider... a... sort of two time wasting for your audience if you would enumerate... just two or three of them for me... which wouldn't take you much time?

Otis T. Carr : 0:27:18 Well...

Charles Leedham : 0:27:19 Specific devices which were inspired by the... this statement of his?

Otis T. Carr : 0:27:22 You know this is a strange thing... I could not recall... one...

Charles Leedham : 0:27:26 I see.

Otis T. Carr : 0:27:27 ... mechanical development. But I know... within my being... due to my own researching... that thousands of them have been developed... due to his sensitivity in the electrical field. If a... if you'll a... study encyclopedias you'll find... that in the elements... in the... finest highest sense of electrical equations... a... some have been named... after him. The Einstein Unit... and some others.

Charles Leedham : 0:27:59 Well... that's my first aquaintance with that a...

Otis T. Carr : 0:28:02 Right.

Charles Leedham : 0:28:03 ... with that unit... Mr. Carr.

Long John Nebel : 0:28:04 What is the Einstein Unit?

Otis T. Carr : 0:28:05 We don't understand... we don't know.

Long John Nebel : 0:28:07 I wouldn't understand it either...

Otis T. Carr : 0:28:09 No.

Long John Nebel : 0:28:09 ... but could you... at least... tell me... is it large... is it small?

Otis T. Carr : 0:28:12 No.

Long John Nebel : 0:28:13 ... is it white... or what is it?

Otis T. Carr : 0:28:14 No... it is a... it is a... unit... a unit of motion... in an electrical field. Which he has...

Long John Nebel : 0:28:20 Which is not... probable.

Otis T. Carr : 0:28:22 No. It is tangible... to the extent... that it can be mathematically equated. And he gave... the mathematics for it.

Charles Leedham : 0:28:31 Well... as a... I'm... I'm sorry to hear... that out of the... thousands of mechanical devices... which you... a... mention your... (?)(?)... I can understand it's... short notice... you might not be able to think of even one.

Otis T. Carr : 0:28:42 Right.

Margaret Storm : 0:38:44

Charles Leedham : 0:28:43 Down on the little section... I know John... that you a... dislike extended reading here... but this is only about three for four sentences... I would like to read... this quote... I believe it is your quote Mr. Carr...

Otis T. Carr : 0:28:52 Right.

Charles Leedham : 0:28:52 ... opposite your picture... which is a... a... billed along side of Dr. Einstein here.

Otis T. Carr : 0:28:58 Underneath it.

Charles Leedham : 0:28:59 Oh underneath... yes.

Otis T. Carr : 0:29:00 Right.

Charles Leedham : 0:29:00 Einstein got top billing. The quote is... the dimensions of pressure are straight line... the dimension of motion... is a curvature. Pressure creates motion... and motion creates pressure. Therefore... motion is dimensionally fourth. Finite space is a condition of the field... and the static universe... is as real as the kinetic one. From this forming point of inertia... numerous dimensions beyond the court... are logically equated. Static or dynamic... all matter is available energy. And to end the quote in capitals... it is as simple as that. And this is the introductory statement.

Long John Nebel : 0:29:39 Good one. Are you being critical?

Charles Leedham : 0:29:41 No... I a... I just wanted to a...

Otis T. Carr : 0:29:44 May we... may we... a... (?)... expand beyond the fourth dimension... ?

Long John Nebel : 0:29:52 On the fifth of sixth it...

Otis T. Carr : 0:29:53 Right. Dr. Einstein... who was... a dedicated brilliant scientist... working in mathematics in the physical form... never went into the mystical... because he... could not get an exploratory... exploratory answer. However... we do know... that there are dimensions beyond the fourth. We have described the fourth dimension... in the curvature of motion... which we know it to be true. However... lets go into another dimension. All velosity is predicated upon mass... and all mass has weight. But who amongst us has weighted me. Or who has measured it's intensity... or who has measured... a... it's... choice of distance. This is another dimension. The dream is as real as you and I sitting here. And yet... no laboratory has ever came up and said... it weighted one gram... two grams... one centimeter... and so forth. Therefore we know... that within our consciousness... within our... minds... are dimensions beyond the physical... which is... truly express their forth. So... Dr. Einstein knew this... but... he had... too much mathematics... for what was physical. So he did not explore beyond it. But the great Tesla did. I was his student... and I know... he could create matter... with thought... believe it or not... and we have seen it done. We may be the only living person who has seen it done... but we have.

Charles Leedham : 0:31:56 Mr. Carr... this a... three year discipleship of yours with Mr. Tesla... I noticed... that I think it was... I think it was in a... Mrs. Storm's book... where she would... was it in your book... or in a release...

Margaret Storm : 0:32:09 Yes.

Charles Leedham : 0:32:09 ... that was related that a...

Margaret Storm : 0:32:11 No... it was in my book.

Charles Leedham : 0:32:11 ... it was called... The Sponge by a...

Margaret Storm : 0:32:13 Yes.

Charles Leedham : 0:32:13 ... by Mr. Tesla... or Dr. Tesla I guess it was... wasn't it?

Margaret Storm : 0:32:17 Well... yes.

Charles Leedham : 0:32:18 I wonder Mr. Carr... if... a... this relationship a... which to his... contemporaries and his associates... may have seemed odd... that of a an eminent scientist... and I think at that time... it was said... you were a delivery boy... for a department store?

Otis T. Carr : 0:32:32 I was a total non-entity.

Don Dunn : 0:32:34 laughs

Margaret Storm : 0:32:36 laughs

Charles Leedham : 0:32:35 Did this a... (?) any comment... among his associates... or did perhaps... they not know about it?

Otis T. Carr : 0:32:41 Absolutely not. Mr. Tesla was a... master of situations... and this situation he built... and all of it. That I would carry on...

Charles Leedham : 0:32:51 uh huh

Otis T. Carr : 0:32:52 ... this one problem... this one... thing that has to be solved... man is entering into Space... as a true entity... rather than... being blasted into it.

Charles Leedham : 0:33:03 So a... in effect a... none of his associates or contemporaries knew about this... this curious relationship between... Dr. Tesla and yourself?

Otis T. Carr : 0:33:11 There was nothing curious about it... he was a master.

I was a total non-entity.
I wonder Mr. Carr this relationship which to his contemporaries and his associates may have seemed odd that of a an eminent scientist and I think at that time it was said you were a delivery boy for a department store?
Mr. Carr this a three year discipleship of yours with Mr. Tesla...

Charles Leedham : 0:33:14 Well... it was unusual... lets put it that way.

Otis T. Carr : 0:33:17 Well lets make it unusual... he was a master... and the master had a task to perform... and he chose me to be... the...

Charles Leedham : 0:33:25 uh huh.

Otis T. Carr : 0:33:26 ... (?)... (?).

Charles Leedham : 0:33:26 In fact... it was a... you might say that... it was almost a secret relationship... that no one would have known about it... if you haven't revealed it to... a... Mrs. Storm.

Otis T. Carr : 0:33:35 We have revealed it... prior to Mrs. Storm. Mrs. Storm... a... I never knew Mrs. Storm... when... she wrote the title... Return of the Dove. Nevertheless... we had already expended all of our energy... to producing this... brochure... which... if you will notice the cover... it shows a dove returning... not going away... it is returning.

Charles Leedham : 0:34:03 uh huh.

Otis T. Carr : 0:34:04 And there is a symbolism here... that is tremendous.

Charles Leedham : 0:34:07 The thing... the point that I am a... perhaps boringly trying to get at... is this... is that... a... this a... is a very interesting story... about him revealing... many of the secrets of his researches to you. Is not the sort of thing... that might have been mentioned... in journals or a... memoirs... or... things of other people... that... in fact... you might very well not find the... Carr Tesla relationship mentioned anywhere... in any documents or recollections.

Margaret Storm : 0:34:34 Ah...

Charles Leedham : 0:34:34 It comes... it comes only from yourself... in other words. And Mr. Tesla... unfortunately being dead... can't a... comment on it.

Margaret Storm : 0:34:40 Could I a...

Long John Nebel : 0:34:41 Mrs. Storm... please... please do...

Margaret Storm : 0:34:43 I might say... that a... this same question... has been brought up... in connection with... Mr. Matthews.

Charles Leedham : 0:34:50 uh huh.

Margaret Storm : 0:34:51 There again... was a strange... relationship because a... when... Mr. a... Tesla first a... at the request of Lord Kelvin... a... went to England... to a... a... consult with Lord Kelvin... about a... what they called... a wireless at that time... radio. There he met... a... Mr. Matthews... father and son. Now a... Arthur H. Matthews... who is a... now I guess a man... in his seventies... in Canada. Was at that time... a... just a boy... and a... his father was an electrical engineer... working with Lord Kelvin. Yet... a... Mr. a... Tesla... a... took... such an interest in this boy... that he taught a... Arthur Matthews... everything that he knows... about electrical engineering. Now Arthur Matthews... today... a professional... electrical engineer. But he has had no... engineering training... besides then the...

Mr. Matthews... father and son. Now a... Arthur H. Matthews who is now I guess a man in his seventies in Canada. Was at that time just a boy and his father was an electrical engineer working with Lord Kelvin. Yet Mr. Tesla took such an interest in this boy that he taught Arthur Matthews everything that he knows...
It comes only from yourself in other words Mr. Tesla unfortunately being dead can't
comment on it.
in fact you might very well not find the Carr Tesla relationship mentioned anywhere...
this is a very interesting story about him revealing many of the secrets of his researches to you.
it was almost a secret relationship that no one would have known about
it if you haven't revealed it to Mrs. Storm.

Charles Leedham : 0:35:59 He's has no a... formal degrees... or training... of that sort?

Margaret Storm : 0:36:02 No... he has no... he has had no... a... formal training whatsoever... and yet he... passed the examination... and became an Electrical Engineer. This is all because of his association with Tesla.

Long John Nebel : 0:36:14 Mr. Carr... are you familiar... with the name... Major Joseph Markoff?

Otis T. Carr : 0:36:22 No.

Long John Nebel : 0:36:24 Never heard of Major Markoff?

Otis T. Carr : 0:36:25 Not to my knowledge... (?)(?).

Long John Nebel : 0:36:28 I just wanted to be fair... to a... I've been told that a... Major Joseph Markoff... for... a period of time... was associated with Tesla... and he has... I think you met... Major Markoff?

Margaret Storm : 0:36:39 Yes...

Long John Nebel : 0:36:39 You met this gentleman...

Margaret Storm : 0:36:40 ... yes... yes... I did.

Long John Nebel : 0:36:40 ... one morning?

Margaret Storm : 0:36:41 ... uh huh... uh huh...

Long John Nebel : 0:36:43 He's been on the... Party Line... a number of times... and... he has a... told us some things about... Tesla. And I might also say that... our engineer... Mr. Nealson... wrote a... an article about Tesla too... so he is quite familiar... with Tesla. Mr. Dunn... you seem to have... a book there...

Don Dunn : 0:37:04 I... I have a...

Long John Nebel : 0:37:05 ... a reference?

Don Dunn : 0:37:06 Yes... a book called... Prodigal Genius... The Life of Nikola Tesla... Tesla. I... this book... a... apparently was written by the Plans Editor of the New York Harold Tribune... a... right after Tesla's death... in forty-three. And... it seems to have... a very complete index...

it seems to have
a very complete index...
a book called
Prodigal Genius
The Life of Nikola Tesla
Mr. Dunn you seem to have a book there...
This is all because of his association with Tesla.

Margaret Storm : 0:37:24 caughs... caughs...

Don Dunn : 0:37:24 ... I was just wandering... a... in this index... a... are listed... the names of many people that Tesla came in contact with. Mr. O'Neill who wrote the book... as... a... quoted as having... many years of... personal friendship with Tesla. And Tesla once told him... you understand me... better than any man alive. I was just wondering... a... is the fact that... Mr. Carr and Mr. Matthews name... not mentioned in the index... is this... some sort of an over sight?

Margaret Storm : 0:37:53 takes a breath...

Charles Leedham : 0:37:53 No... I think Don... that a... Mr. Carr explained it fully... he said that... no one else... knew of the relationship... with him and Tesla... and in fact that... all word of this relationship came from Mr. Carr... Mr. Tesla... never mentioned it... Mr. O'Neill... never mentioned it... no one in fact had ever... no one before...

Margaret Storm : 0:38:10 caughs... caughs...

Charles Leedham : 0:38:10 ... Mr. Carr was a... good enough to a... put it down.

Don Dunn : 0:38:14 And the same thing with Mr. Matthews?

Charles Leedham : 0:38:15 I think that it may have been the same thing... yes. I mean... if anyone were to say... to Mr. Matthews... for example... I don't think you ever knew Mr. Tesla... it would be a... a... just a matter of a... well... you'd have to believe Mr. Matthews... but there would be no collaboration.

Don Dunn : 0:38:30 I see.

Margaret Storm : 0:38:31 Well there would be collaboration on the fact that a... Mr. a... Matthews... of course has many many... letters... drawings... a great deal of material from Tesla. Because...

Charles Leedham : 0:38:43 Oh Mr. Matthews has this (?) material.

Margaret Storm : 0:38:44 Oh yes... Mr. Matthews... has all the a... all the um... designs for the... Tesla Anti-War Machine... and all of that. That was all turned over to him... and trusted to him.

Charles Leedham : 0:38:55 This... this brings up and interesting point... I wonder if Mr. Carr... if Mr. Tesla left any... sort of memorabilia with you of this sort?

Otis T. Carr : 0:39:02 This is a question... I... I have nothing from Mr. Tesla... except his... a... instructions of the things... that we were to do. We spent many hours... five... six... and... seven hours a day... in the Museum of Natural History in New York... from a period of 1925 to 1928. We also spent many hours in the... Metropolitan Museum of Art. Our education... was directed by this great genius... along certain lines. He took us into the Museum of Natural History... and said... do you wish to see a visitor from Space? This was about 1926. I said... I most assuridly would.

Mr. Matthews of course has many many letters drawings a great deal of material from Tesla.
no one else... knew of
the relationship...
with him and Tesla
Mr. Tesla...
never mentioned it
Mr. O'Neill never mentioned it
I was just wandering in this index are listed the names of many people that Tesla came in contact with. Mr. O'Neill who wrote the book as quoted as having many years of personal friendship with Tesla. And Tesla once told him you understand me better than any man alive. I was just wondering is the fact that Mr. Carr and Mr. Matthews name not mentioned in the index
is this some sort of an over sight?

Long John Nebel : 0:39:48 Tesla took you in where sir?

Otis T. Carr : 0:39:50 Into the... Museum of Natural History in New York... and he said... would you like to see a visitor from Space? And I said... Well...
I most assuridly would. And he says... here is a meteor... that weights about sixty-six thousand pounds. That was discovered by... Commodore Peary... on one of these expeditions into the far north. And he brought it back... in the hold of the ship. It is probably... the largest exhibited meteor... on the face of this Earth... and is
truly a messenger from Space. He said... now this meteor... is of almost pure iron... almost 90 percent pure iron. 0:40:33 And he said... it's higher... our founderies can not... or blast furnaces can not produce... anywhere near it's quality. And he says... I want you to study this... this visitor from Space. And a... see if you can not get a message here. So... then he left me. And so we... studied this a... meteor... we felt it... we looked at its... craters... a... and we felt it... slick side of iron that was sawed off... to show that it was almost pure iron... almost ninty-one percent. And still we had a doubt... so one day... we slipped in a hammer and took a crack at it... and wham... we would run. Because it made a terrific ringing sound... and we felt maybe we had damaged something. However this is part of our education... directed by this great man.

Charles Leedham : 0:41:35 (?(?)...

Long John Nebel : 0:41:35 I was let down there for a moment there.

Don Dunn : 0:41:38 laughs
Margaret Storm : 0:41:38 laughs

Long John Nebel : 0:41:39 I was...

Charles Leedham : 0:41:39 yeah...

Long John Nebel : 0:41:39 ... you know... going with you there... when you mentioned something about... a space visitor. Is this what... you refer to... you label it a space visitor?

Otis T. Carr : 0:41:51 It was... yes. This meteor came from outside of our atmosphere.

Charles Leedham : 0:41:56 Mr. Carr... tell me... I wasn't listening close enough. Where was this meteorite... when you a... gave it a belt with the hammer?

Otis T. Carr : 0:42:03 In the basement of the Museum of Natural History... and I hope they don't catch up with me.

Long John Nebel : 0:42:08 Well I'm sorry to interrupt at this time... but we're going to have to take care of a little business. 0:42:13 Mr. Colton... I wonder if you would tell... our eight listeners... and the people sitting around the table this morning... Mr. Dunn and Mr. Leedham who are not familiar with O.T.C. Enterprises. I wonder if you can tell us... something about that corporation?
I want to know why it's incorported... the reason for it... being formed...
and how far you have progressed up to the present time?

Norman Colton : 0:42:46 Well... O.T.C. corporations were set up in 1955. Of course my first introduction to them... was in... June of 1957. They were... more or less... what you might call... paper corporations... up to that time. And I was brought into the picture when Mr. Carr was ready to... a... put some of these... discoveries and accomplishments policies and objectives on paper. And he... excuse me. Talked with me about... producing these brochures... mailing literature that you see here. So that we could get the... message started on its way... out to the public. So in June of '57... we began work on these brochures... and this other literature. And... I began... studying the inventions of Otis Carr. Began to... learn a little bit myself about the... natural science and the physics involved... the basic principles. So that a... I... learned while doing... what had... proceeded this time... in the twenty years of Mr. Carr's research and developments. And also the... history of the corporations... and what they were setting out to do. So from... June of '57 until the present time... just about a year... we have... informed a great number of people... that... O.T.C. Enterprises is the parent corporation of two subsidiaries... one is... Carrotto Dynamics... and the other is... Utron Atomic Development. Each of which... as a subsidiary to the parent corporation... is set up to... do... specific research and development.

Long John Nebel : 0:44:50 Are all of these corporations dormant... or are they activated at the present time?

Norman Colton : 0:44:55 In the a... ordinary commerical sense... they are dormant... because they are not doing business by selling products. They are quite active... in the field of communication... and in organizing...

Long John Nebel : 0:45:11 Do they pay taxes?

Norman Colton : 0:45:13 Pardon...

Long John Nebel : 0:45:14 Do they pay taxes?

Norman Colton : 0:45:15 They pay the required taxes on...

Long John Nebel : 0:45:18 Corporate taxes?

Norman Colton : 0:45:19 Corporations... yes.

Long John Nebel : 0:45:20 I'm not trying to be personal... what are the financial...

Norman Colton : 0:45:23 There's no taxes on... commodities... because there are no commodities being sold. So there... as I understand it... the taxes are... a... state tax commission... taxes... on...

Long John Nebel : 0:45:35 How many corporations... a... are involved in this set-up?

Norman Colton : 0:45:40 A total of these three... O.T.C. Enterprises... which is the parent corporation... the holding corporation...

Long John Nebel : 0:45:47 Of the three?

Norman Colton : 0:45:48 Of the three... uh huh. The two subsidiaries... each of which... will have a definate assignment... in one (?) field. Carrotto Dynamics... will develop the... Carrotto Gravity Motors... which are essentially to be used in... stationaly applications... for very large power outputs. There are...

Long John Nebel : 0:46:11 Who invented this?

Norman Colton : 0:46:12 I beg your pardon?

Long John Nebel : 0:46:13 Who invented it?

Norman Colton : 0:46:15 The Carrotto Gravity Motors? All of the inventions... the basics and the a... supplementary inventions from these basics... are...
Mr. Carr's inventions.

Long John Nebel : 0:46:27 And patents? Are... there are patents on all of these inventions?

Norman Colton : 0:46:31 There is a... patent procedure... in process on all of the inventions. The a... Carrotto Gravity Motor... is a... an entirely different category of... energy machine. From the... a... devices that will be... developed and refined and perfected... by the... Utron Atomic Development Corporation. Which will deal with the... electric magnetic circular motion machines... whose primary application will be as a... propulsion power packages... for craft... or for vehicles. But which... when certain situations can also be... effective as... energy producing machines.

Long John Nebel : 0:47:23 Mr. Colton... I think...

Otis T. Carr : 0:47:23 (?)(?)

Long John Nebel : 0:47:25 Pardon me.

Otis T. Carr : 0:47:25 Go ahead.

Long John Nebel : 0:47:25 I think you said... Mr. Colton... that... you joined O.T.C. Enterprises... you became associated with Mr. Carr... in a... the early part of '57... is that right?

Norman Colton : 0:47:37 That's right... in June of '57.

Long John Nebel : 0:47:38 In June of '57. And prior to the time that you became associated with Mr. Carr... were... were these other corporations in existence at that time?

Norman Colton : 0:47:49 Yes they were.

Long John Nebel : 0:47:51 What was the first corporation... that was formed... the main one?

Norman Colton : 0:47:57 I would a... presume... it was O.T.C. Enterprises...

Long John Nebel : 0:48:02 The parent corporation was formed by...

Norman Colton : 0:48:02 ... (?) development first of my acquaintance... with a... Mr. Carr.

Who invented it?
Who invented it?
We know the spark of genius came originally from Tesla.

Carr is B.S.

Long John Nebel : 0:48:06 I mean... you are... Director of Sales Engineering...
I thought you'd (?) knowledge of the... corporations as they stand today.

Norman Colton : 0:48:12 Well... they were... all three formed... at a... approximately the same time... in a short space of time.

Long John Nebel : 0:48:21 Well... now we have the... Carrotto Gravity Motor.

Norman Colton : 0:48:25 Right.

Long John Nebel : 0:48:26 And then we have the... Utron... and... the Atomic Development Corporation. Is that right?

Norman Colton : 0:48:34 It's... Uron Atomic Development Corporation.

Long John Nebel : 0:48:37 Utron... oh I see. Utron Atomic Development Corporation.

Norman Colton : 0:48:41 Right.

Long John Nebel : 0:48:45 Now... these three corporations... have the rights to the patents... when they are granted.

Norman Colton : 0:48:52 That is correct.

Long John Nebel : 0:48:54 And... has application been made... with the United States Patent Office... for patents on all these devices?

Norman Colton : 0:49:04 Application has been made on the basics. You see... there are essentially two systems involved here. One system operates on the... pressure energy of gravity keyed to motion. That is the basic principle of the Corrotto Gravity Motor... System.

Long John Nebel : 0:49:24 Would you say that again...

Margaret Storm : 0:49:26 giggles...

Norman Colton : 0:49:26 Devices... a... built on the principle of the... pressure energy of gravity weight... (?)speed(?) to motion.

Long John Nebel : 0:49:38 That's what's good... even when you do it again. But continue please.

Norman Colton : 0:49:43 The... a... Utron Atomic Development... Systems... will be based on... electrified circular motion machines... employing the free space energies... of... gravity... magnetism... and solar pressures of all kinds.

Long John Nebel : 0:50:07 uh huh

Norman Colton : 0:50:08 They're two... distinctly separate basics. Now... from those basics... many thousands of specific applications will be designed... as we said in the brochure... from... hearing aids... to... spacecraft... from... electrified lawn mowers... to... ocean liners.

Long John Nebel : 0:50:29 But I think we missed... or rather... I appreciate the fact that you're telling us more about these various corporations again... I repeat... the question... a... are patents pending... on... all of these devices sir... at the present time?

Norman Colton : 0:50:47 No... patents are applied for on the basics...

Long John Nebel : 0:50:50 Well... how many basics do we have?

Norman Colton : 0:50:53 Two basics.

Long John Nebel : 0:50:54 Two basics.

Norman Colton : 0:50:55 Right. There are very broad basics... which are very general... which are... completely novel... unique... new and original...

Long John Nebel : 0:51:03 Is it a waste of money... to even bother to have them patented... if they are that broad?

Otis T. Carr : 0:51:10 My I... say this...

Long John Nebel : 0:51:11 Surely... surely. Mr. Carr...

Otis T. Carr : 0:51:13 To a certain extent... we are not interested in patents. We're interested... in the betterment of mankind. We are introducing a new energy system... in the same manner in which... steam... brought in a new energy system... the internal combustion engine... brought in a new energy system... incandescent light... brought new enlightenment to us. To these same things... we are dedicated. We are following the proper procedure... of patent application... not to... have a monopoly... but just to keep somebody else from stopping us. We don't care whether we own a patent of not...

Long John Nebel : 0:51:58 Would you want to stop somebody though?

Otis T. Carr : 0:52:00 No... I said... to keep somebody else from stopping us.

Long John Nebel : 0:52:03 Oh... I see.

Otis T. Carr : 0:52:04 All we want to do... is introduce the system. (?)(?) in this procedure. We are not seeking monopoly... in any extent. Therefore... the drawings that you see... of our... sixth assembly of building units... of the Space Research Institute. Most specifically that we say...research. Here we will bring into being... the application of these uses... and we'll allow all manufactures... the right to produce them.

Long John Nebel : 0:52:39 Will you charge them a licence fee?

Otis T. Carr : 0:52:41 We will try to maintain ourselves. But we are not seeking a monopoly. Neither are we seeking to gain... a dynasty.

Long John Nebel : 0:52:53 How... will you be able to finance the research?

Otis T. Carr : 0:52:57 The financing of the research... of all this activity... will be done by an interested public.

Long John Nebel : 0:53:05 Charles Leedham...

Charles Leedham : 0:53:06 I'm not sure if I should direct this to a... Mr. Carr or Mr. Colton. And that... well... I am not an expert... certainly on patent law... I've done considerable reading in this... and it is my understanding that the basic forces... forces of nature... are fairly... unpatentable. And yet here you are planning a patent application... on what you yourself...

Otis T. Carr : 0:53:26 Only on procedures... not on basics.

Charles Leedham : 0:53:29 Well then... Mr. Colton... was in perhaps... in error... when he said... on basics.

Otis T. Carr : 0:53:32 Not... not necessarly in error.

Charles Leedham : 0:53:34 Oh I see.

Otis T. Carr : 0:53:35 The point is this...

Charles Leedham : 0:53:36 (?) me.

Otis T. Carr : 0:53:36 ...that...... when you bring novelty... you are allowed... patent. Patent means... to make public. It means that... your right to make public something... gives you a document... that... you know... according to our law in this country... it's seventeen years of protection... of a form... of monopoly... or licensing. Now... (?)... the age in which we are in... is accelerating beyond... this type of development. The patent science has been a beautiful thing... up until the present. But now we are in a different age. We're in an age of... the H-bomb and the A-bomb... fission and fusion of the atom... and... a terrific amount of political confussion on the face of this Earth.

Long John Nebel : 0:54:26 Confussion about patents?

Otis T. Carr : 0:54:28 Confussion about living...

Long John Nebel : 0:54:30 Oh... I see.

Otis T. Carr : 0:54:31 ... period.

Charles Leedham : 0:54:32 A... may...

Otis T. Carr : 0:54:34 Right. The only other thing that I would like to say about this... is... that we... are dedicated to bringing into being... a new system. The same... as... the incandescent light. There will be some... who (?)... due to our following the procedure of the law. But we can not... control all of this force... we know it. We can not control it... any more than you can control... Mr. Tesla's production... the first hydro electric dam... on Earth. Other people built dams. He got a reward... we will get one... according to our... dessert.

Charles Leedham : 0:55:15 As I interrupt... what you just said a... Mr. Carr. That you find... that you feel that the... the government is now receptive... to patent applications on... or applications for patents... on the basic forces of nature... such as gravity and gravity pressure and so forth.

Otis T. Carr : 0:55:32 The mechanical developments... will bring him into (?)... beings... are patentable.

Charles Leedham : 0:55:38 But not... the forces.

Otis T. Carr : 0:55:39 No.

Charles Leedham : 0:55:39 I see.

Otis T. Carr : 0:55:40 You can't... a... the... the force... within an incandescent light is not patentable... believe me.

Charles Leedham : 0:55:46 This is what...

Otis T. Carr : 0:55:46 It is electricity.

Charles Leedham : 0:55:47 ... I thought.

Otis T. Carr : 0:55:48 Right.

Charles Leedham : 0:55:48 Well now... in other words... you have filed patent applications... on these mechancial developments?

Otis T. Carr : 0:55:53 Right.

Charles Leedham : 0:55:54 I see. And I understand from the brochure... that the... a patent application on the... the Utron... a... the Utron Electric Accumulator... was filed... in 1949... some seven years ago.

Otis T. Carr : 0:56:07 That is true.

Charles Leedham : 0:56:09 Has the... a... government given any indication of rejection or has this sort of laying... shallow for seven years?

Otis T. Carr : 0:56:13 Block

Charles Leedham : 0:56:13 ... for seven years.

Otis T. Carr : 0:56:15 We blocked action on it...

some seven
years ago.

Charles Leedham : 0:55:17 I see.

Otis T. Carr : 0:56:17 ... when we run into... the various... things that happen to... an individual... who... by himself... tries to process something... without sufficient funds.

Charles Leedham : 0:56:31 (?)(?)

Otis T. Carr : 0:56:31 Local action... lay idle... and then formed our corporations... and now... we will explore the patent... for all of it's value.

Charles Leedham : 0:56:40 In other words... at the present time... the patent application is... not in... it has been dropped?

Otis T. Carr : 0:56:45 (?) The processes... are in vene.

Charles Leedham : 0:56:49 What does that mean... exactly... can you talk about it?

Otis T. Carr : 0:56:52 When I say... the processes are in vene... we have... fulfilled the law.

Charles Leedham : 0:56:57 And what does that mean... sir?

Otis T. Carr : 0:56:59 This is a rather technical... question.

Charles Leedham : 0:57:02 I can imagine... I wonder... could you put a... (?)clerk(?)... you know... put it in simple terms for me?

Otis T. Carr : 0:57:06 Simple terms is this... that... if you invent something... and you can prove it's novelty... you deserve to gain your reward... and we are following this procedure.

Charles Leedham : 0:57:18 Thank you very much... sir. Why... what I'm... a...
I'm a... I'm not really with this patent thing... not being as familiar as you are with the... processes of patent application and so forth. But at the present time... is there actually... a patent application in the hands of the government... on a Utron Electric Accumulator?

Otis T. Carr : 0:57:41 The patent application was filed... in eighteen... in 1949... which gave all of the (?).

Charles Leedham : 0:57:49 Which you withdrew... as I understand.

Otis T. Carr : 0:57:51 I did not withdrew it.

Charles Leedham : 0:57:52 Well... what did you just say about that... sir (?)?

Otis T. Carr : 0:57:54 I just said... that... when I could not proceed with the action... I stopped. I am now proceeding again.

Charles Leedham : 0:58:01 I see... thank you.

Long John Nebel : 0:58:03 Pardon me a moment... but a... I just got to get in here... and take care of a... little business for our benefactors.

Don Dunn : 0:58:10 Mr. Carr... I understand there are three separate corporations... the O.T.C. Enterprises... the Carrotto... and the Utron. Are you... do you have the title of... a... president or director of each of these (?) ?

Otis T. Carr : 0:58:28 We are the president and chairman of the board of directors of all three corporations. Now... O.T.C. Enterprises... is the holding company... they own all of our rights... our trademark... our copyrights... our patent applications... and our total right to do business... is owned by this corporation. All of my developments... and my inventions... have been assigned to this corporation. In turn... the basic inventions... the basic development... will be processed... for licensing to other manufactures... by the subsidiaries... and the O.T.C. Enterprises... will in turn... a... for a return from these subsidiaries corporations... allow them the rights... to operate.

Don Dunn : 0:59:21 I see. As chairman... of the... on the board... a... how many board members are there?

Otis T. Carr : 0:59:27 We have five directors... in each corporation.

Don Dunn : 0:59:31 I see. Do you have several... a... stockholders?

Otis T. Carr : 0:59:36 The private offering... and the... private participation up to this moment... includes some... stock ownership in... the original O.T.C. Enterprises. But there has not been any public offerings of stock.

Don Dunn : 0:59:56 May... may I ask what a share of stock... of stock would sell for?

Otis T. Carr : 1:00:00 The... prior value of this stock... is one dollar. We are negotiating with a brokerage firm... who is... preparing a prospectus... for the... Securities and Exchange Commission. And when we are properly... qualified to do... our subsidiary stock... will probably go on the market... at ten dollars a share.

Long John Nebel : 1:00:23 Let me interrupt... for just a moment here... I can assure you... that this discussion is not necessarily... an offering... of the stock to our listeners. And any statements that made this morning... for that matter... any morning... by any of our guests... are not necessarily the... opinions of... yours truly L.J.... the management of WOR... the mutual network... or any of their affiliates. Continue Mr. Dunn.

Don Dunn : 1:00:47 Thank you. I... I... I'm just a... interested in finding out... the number of people... connected with... O.T.C. Enterprises... a... yourself and five... five directors.

Otis T. Carr : 1:00:58 That's right.

Don Dunn : 1:00:59 Might... might I ask... who a... did the... technical writing on this very beautiful brochure?

Otis T. Carr
certainly knows
his patent law.

Otis T. Carr : 1:01:04 Mr. Colton and myself... collaborated on it. I gave him the basics... and he expanded... from technical research... into... the beautiful phraseology. And... the physical representation... is his. He is a qualified genius in this field... we feel.

Don Dunn : 1:01:27 As a qualified...

Norman Colton : 1:01:28 Thank you... one and all.

Margaret Storm : 1:01:29 laughs

Don Dunn : 1:01:30 Has it qualified you with... does either... Mr. Colton or yourself... have a degree for... for any (?) school in engineering?

Otis T. Carr : 1:01:41 For myself... our education has been extremely informal. Nontheless... a... in so far... as knowing what has been done by others... our education... exceeds much of the... college curriculum. At the present we feel... because of our association... with the great minds who create... we have had direct association... we have had... a... guidance... in learning. We have done research at Columbia University and New York University... but we do not hold... any college degrees.

Charles Leedham : 1:02:28 Mr. Carr... if I may... get in here for a moment... your a... statement of yours... excuse me Don for just a moment. When you said that a... a... you were (?)world(?) knowledge... of the a... work of others... a... was in excess of that... of those who... a... had formal degrees. I... I may... there's an area of physical knowledge that... you might fill me in on. I had been looking at this a... these very attractive pages here... where there is sketches of... Copernicus and Edison and Galileo. And it says here... under Galileo... a... that he was the first to observe... that the natural behavior of moving bodies... is to accelerate... at equal rate. And this is something... which I missed in my college physics courses... and I wonder if you could elaborate on that to me... about the natural behavior of bodies being to accelerate?

Otis T. Carr : 1:03:24 I ask Mr. Colton... to a... make research on this... and he read a half a dozen books. And out of it... a... we came up with this one sentence... would you like to answer that Mr. Colton?

Norman Colton : 1:03:38 Well... for the... single statement under each of the illustrations... on this page that you are looking at. As Mr. Carr says... I spent many hours... with the... various books that relate to the work of these men... and tried to pick... as a... picture caption... the one... most significant summation... that a... would relate... to their work... that would a... stand up as probably... the... or at least one of the... greatest... accomplishments of their lifetime of researches. So that is the one that was subscribed to... Copernicus.

Charles Leedham : 1:04:25 You mean... Galileo.

Norman Colton : 1:04:27 Galileo... excuse me.

Charles Leedham : 1:04:29 In other words... beyond that... you're... unable to elaborate. You have... you picked this out of a book... which you... happen to be reading back then?

Norman Colton : 1:04:35 That's right.

Charles Leedham : 1:04:35 I see. Well... I wonder... a... Mr. Carr... if... as your a... associate a... has just quoted this... from a book. If you... from your knowledge... your personal knowledge... of these... principles of physics... could eleboate for me... on the fact that... moving bodies accelerate at an equal rate?

Otis T. Carr : 1:04:56 There is a relativity... in all matter. And of course a... in our own Tower of Piza... the small weight was dropped... and the very heavy weight was dropped. And they found out... that bodies accelerate... at something like 32 feet per second. And this begun... a knowledge of this momentum of acceleration. Now a... to expand on it... is beyond my memory of the moment... but my consciousness is very clear about it... I do not need it in my work at the present.

Charles Leedham : 1:05:32 I see. I notice you also a... have a quote on Isaac Newton... who was as you say... quite (?)practical(?) the first to observe the inertial constants of universal bodies. I wonder if perhaps... a... I would assume this sort of thing is moderately important. Do you a... are you familiar with a... or could you quote for me... the... Newton's three laws of motion?

Otis T. Carr : 1:05:55 We understand thoroughly... almost... the total observation of Mr. Newton. He has been one of our... a... one who we... sought... to find out something... about this... Universe in which we live. So many people do not understand his great knowledge of the refraction of light... his discovery. That the triangular... a... prismatic... a... condition... which allows for dispersion of light... (?)(?)(?)(?)(?)... to invent the (?)ascope... which is the basic tool of all sceince today... astronomers included. These are the great things that Newton gave us. We understand the importance... we know his... law of reaction... action and reaction. We understand his law of inertia. We understand his law of attraction between masses. And we understand above all... his inverse proportion law. And it's the accumulation of these laws... with the basic knowledge of the great Dr. Einstein... and the magnificent Tesla... that we are able to build the... OTC X-1 Spaceship. Which is why we are here tonight. We are... above all... bringing to the minds of the people... the fact that we have an electrified propulsion system... for space travel.

Charles Leedham : 1:07:36 Mr. Carr... I can certainaly understand that a... with these principles... so well in mind... a... one student of physics... goes through college say a... a... they have general cause to memorize... the three... a... explicitly simple and meaningful statements that a... Mr. Newton made... in the three laws of motion. But a... as they go (?) beyond this... to the basic principles... you wouldn't necessarily want to... be able to... quote these things.

Otis T. Carr : 1:08:06 We don't memorize quotations.

Charles Leedham : 1:08:08 (?) Well... this is what I was... thinking. That you wouldn't... of course... wouldn't a... clutter your mind... with a... a... direct quotations... of things like Newton's laws. But I wonder about the law of... inverse propulsion... which you mentioned... that a...

could you quote for me Newton's three laws of motion?

Otis T. Carr : 1:08:22 Proportion... this is...

Charles Leedham : 1:08:23 The law inverse proportion... I'm sorry... I didn't understand you.

Otis T. Carr : 1:08:25 This is the inverse... square of the distances... the measure of a mass. And that's why... every a liquid appear heavier in its gas. Ionized particles are floating in the air...

Charles Leedham : 1:08:39 Is a...

Otis T. Carr : 1:08:40 Seemed to rule the Earth... but yet they won't grow hair on a bald head. This is a...

Charles Leedham : 1:08:45 Yes.

Otis T. Carr : 1:08:46 ... one of the basics... chuckles... of a... physics... right.

Charles Leedham : 1:08:49 I see.

Norman Colton : 1:08:50 I don't know if I a... infer correctly from your question... but a... I would like to observe... in connection with memorizing anything... with being able to quote... verbatim... rules... or laws... or proses... or tables... or equations of any kind. I would say... in my... association with academic procedures... a great deal of time is wasted... in getting people to memorize such things... rather than to teach them... sources... of reference and information when its needed. So I don't think a... Mr. Carr and I... feel there is anything to be gained... from having all of these things in our heads... but we can a... pick up out of a page of a book.

Charles Leedham : 1:09:39 Well... this is... as I am saying to Mr. Carr...
I understand... that he wouldn't a... want to clutter his mind with a... a formal memorization... of the a... these laws...

Otis T. Carr : 1:09:49 We'd like to state... just one thing. And it can only benefit a... many of our listeners. That we think mostly with our hands... and when they start to work... and then when we get in the proper association... of true feeling... things begin to create.

Charles Leedham : 1:10:09 uh huh... This a... satisfies me for the moment Don.

Norman Colton : 1:10:15 Incidentally...

Don Dunn : 1:10:16 Ah...

Norman Colton : 1:10:17 ... with connecton... excuse me... with (?) a... little a... caption lines under the illustrations of these... great men of... physical science and philosophy. Each of these things... a... quoted or stated... extracted from their great works. Has a... particular significance... to the... construction the design and assembly... of the O.T.C. inventions... of Mr. Carr's devices.

Charles Leedham : 1:10:43 This is (?)(?) exactly what I was a... (?)(?)(?)(?).

Norman Colton : 1:10:48 (?)(?)(?)

Charles Leedham : 1:10:50 ... such as the one about Copernicus... who was the first to observe... that the satellites of the Sun orbit in a... concentric plane... which a... two words (?) made me curious. I understand that you certainly don't want to... memorize such things as... definitions and terminology. But what is a concentric plane? 1:11:14 Well this sort of thing... is... you know where to look it up... if you should ever really need.

Otis T. Carr : 1:11:18 May I answer... this?

Charles Leedham : 1:11:19 Surely.

Long John Nebel : 1:11:20 Do you want to come a little closer... Mr. Carr... please. Thank you.

Otis T. Carr : 1:11:23 The answer is simply... that Copernicus... a... brought... enlightenment to all... well... you might say... the father of astronomy. The fact that he gave... an organized motion to bodies in a field. He took the Sun as a central... of all of the planets. Therefore all the planets... had to concentrically... rotate around it. Prior to this... this knowledge was not... known to... the science of the world of the time. So he set up a system of... our... a... orbit of planets. The same as the... a... Moon is orbiting around the Earth... the same as the... explores and the Sputniks... are orbiting around the Earth.

Norman Colton : 1:12:13 As I recall the a... specific of that... a... law of constants. It is that a... in a concentric plane of orbit... that the... a... radius... will wipe... and equal area... in an equal space of time.

Otis T. Carr : 1:12:32 This is true Mr. Colton.

Charles Leedham : 1:12:35 Well.. in a... in your definition... you did use the term... concentric plane... which a... the meaning of which... does excapes me I am sorry to say... that I am not really... adept at this sort of thing. But...

Otis T. Carr : 1:12:47 We're using... we're using concentric as a curve. The completion of a curve... where there is a point...

Norman Colton : 1:12:53 The center at it.

Otis T. Carr : 1:12:55 ... you take a compass... and a... a... twirl it. You have a concentric.

Charles Leedham : 1:13:04 Gotcha.

Long John Nebel : 1:13:04 Mr. a... Colton... have you ever had the opportunity of seeing any of these devices in action?

Norman Colton : 1:13:13 I have seen many of these devices in action. Many of the... prototype demonstration models... many of the... demonstrations...

Long John Nebel : 1:13:23 I'm not talking about the mock-up that you had with you last time. Have you ever seen... one of a... in other words... the a... lets take as an example... the O.T.C X-1 Circular Foil Spacecraft... have you ever seen one of these... in action?

Norman Colton : 1:13:38 Now the a... OTC X-1 Circular Foil Spacecraft... is yet to be built. Though I have not seen it... in action.

Long John Nebel : 1:13:49 Didn't Mr. Carr... tell us the last time that he was with us... that he had built some working models of these... about five of them?

Norman Colton : 1:13:59 Yes he did.

Long John Nebel : 1:14:01 Has he built any since... that you have seen?

Norman Colton : 1:14:06 He... has not built any flight models since.

Long John Nebel : 1:14:09 uh huh

Norman Colton : 1:14:10 We are... in the process of comparing component parts... and drawings at the present time... for... joint models... for public demonstration... in the very near future.

Long John Nebel : 1:14:25 In the very near future.

Norman Colton : 1:14:28 Within... lets say... approximately... a... seventy days from now.

Long John Nebel : 1:14:36 You're going to build...

Norman Colton : 1:14:37 We're going to build from our target date of ninty days... which as I recall... was about twenty days ago.

Long John Nebel : 1:14:42 You're going to build... a flight model?

several : 1:14:44 coughing...

Norman Colton : 1:14:46 One or more flight models.

Long John Nebel : 1:14:48 Where will this be built?

Norman Colton : 1:14:51 The a... components are being built... drawings are being made... in several... different locations... at the same time...

Long John Nebel : 1:15:00 Is there a reason for this ?

Norman Colton : 1:15:02 The reason... a... basically is a... because we are availing ourselves of the... (?)estabilities(?)... that we've been able to uncover for the present time... in the... several techniques... several skills that are involved. One man makes a better drawing... another man does a better... turning on a lathe and so forth...

Long John Nebel : 1:15:28 (?)... pardon me... continue... I'm sorry.

Norman Colton : 1:15:31 Also because of... a few of our... of a certain... availability on (?)(?) operations... prior to our readiness... for actual public demonstration.

Long John Nebel : 1:15:46 Well if you have made an offer... a... do you...
on a sheet... that I have in front of me... you have the performance characteristics and delivery terms for the a O.T.C X-1 Circular Foil Spacecraft. In other words... if somebody decided to order one of these... you don't even have the plans done?

Norman Colton : 1:16:09 The plans are well in mind.

Long John Nebel : 1:16:12 Well in mind. Let me take just a moment so that... some of our eight listeners who may not... Incidently before I do... I have a couple of telegrams here... let me read one. I might add that.. I have asked Mr. Carr.. if a... he would grant me his permission... to read this telegram... and then I'm going to ask him to comment on it. I think Mr. Carr's familiar... with the fact... that we read almost all of the telegrams. (?)(?)(?) has requested me not to... mention his name on the air... and we certainly will respect his wishes. This is the message... 1:16:58 Am rather puzzled... is your objective... merely to extract humor... from innocent delusion... or to expose... possible deliberate fraud? Course the question is for me... I frankly don't understand what the man means... I thought that you would like to answer it Mr. Carr.

Otis T. Carr : 1:17:20 Thank you... Long John... a... I'm thinking about a... one word... status quo. And in answering this telegram... I would like to read something which acturally appeared in a newspaper. The title of this is... Beware of the Inventor. Now it was published in the back of the newspaper in 1873... and this is the message... A man of about forty-six years of age... giving a name of... Joshua Coppersmith... has been arrested in New York for... attempting to extort funds... from ignorant and superstitious people... by admitting a device... a device which he says will... convey the human voice any distance over metallic wires. 1:18:10 So it will behold by a listener at the other end. He calls the instrument... a telephone. Which is obviously intended to imitate the word... telegraph. And win the confidence of those who know the latter instrument... without understanding the principle on which it is based. Well informed people know... that it is not possible to transmit the human voice over wires... that may be done with dots and dashes... and signal from Moris Code. And even were it possible to do so... the thing would be of no practical value anyhow. The authorities who apprehended this criminal are to be congratulated. And it is hoped that his punishment will be prompt and fitting that it may serve as an example... to other schemers of no conscious... who enlist... who enlist themselves at the expense of their fellow creatures. 1:19:10 Now... when a gentleman... uses the word fraud... he should do so... extremely carefully. Because it is a very prˆ©cis word. And... it means... just what it says. Why are we here tonight... Mrs. Margaret Storm... Mr. Norman Evens Colton... and myself. We are introducing a new energy age. We have public... publicized our principles... we have notified the United States Government... of every move that we're going to make. We have made offers to them. We have declared under written oath... by having registered our material in the mails of what we say is correct. So let us destroy this word... fraud... in the minds of anyone... who is listening to anything that I communicate.

Long John Nebel : 1:20:10 That's an answer to that telegram. Let me take a moment to talk about OTC X-1 Circular Foil Spacecraft... it sounds like a commerical.

Margaret Storm : 1:20:21 laughs
Don Dunn : 1:20:21 laughs
Charles Leedham : 1:20:21 laughs

Long John Nebel : 1:20:22 This is not a commerical. I'm reading... from this sheet that I have in front of me... Performance Characteristics and Delivery Terms. Reluctently... I must admit to you that... as far as delivery is concerned... it's approximately twenty-four months... that's how long it will take... at the quoted prices. If you have any idea that you would like to buy one. Now the... physical component... first of all... the OTC X-1 craft... is to be of circular foil design... approximately forty-five feet in diameter... and fifteen feet high at the center. With crew compartment to accommodate at least three persons... in atmospheric comfort and safety... under the normal conditions to be anticipated in flight. To within one thousand miles away from Earth. 1:21:25 O.T.C. Enterprises Incorporated... to demonstrate... that the OTC X-1 craft... will depart from any specified location... in the continental United States... orbit one or more times... outside the Earth's atmosphere... and land its crew safely... within the inter rotunda courtyard... of the Pentagon building in Washington... or at any other location... best suited... to public observation. 1:22:01 Now the price. incidentally... this is not FOB Balitmore... which should be of interest to some of our listeners. This is the delivered price... it's twenty million dollars. Now this is not a joke... I have this right in front of me. Of course... unfortunately there are no terms available. Payable in full on delivery... with no prior commitment required... and including all tooling and other overhead... twenty million dollars. Although if you'd like to get a couple of them... at the same time... that maybe a friend or neighbor would like to participate in this wonderful (?). Additional identical units are the same schedule... just four million dollars. So if you have a next door neighbor... and if you decide to get together on this... the both of you. Well... it will cost you twenty-four million for two of them. Twelve million apiece. No down payment... no terms. You've got to get that type of loot up... all at one time.

Don Dunn : 1:23:09 Mr. Carr... I have a... clipping from... a newspaper a few days ago... this is with a United Press International. A story... that the Air Force had... awarded the contracts for its... Dinosaur Plane. Which is intended to fly into outer space and go into orbit... about seventeen thousand miles above the Earth. And then return to... the airfield on Earth. This statement... says that the first model is expected to cost about... one hundred and fifty million dollars. This model is going to be... produced by two very well known... manufactures... who have... large plants and thousands of... engineers... and science... and scientists to work on it. I... I just wonder... why your a... OCT X-1... OTC X-1... pardon me... a... can be produced for... such a fraction... in cost?

Otis T. Carr : 1:24:11 I'm glad they named that a... project... The Dinosaur... because in my mind... if the humans make the propulsions... that's how antiquated it is. Frankly... a... blasting into space... is not the way to get there. We know the answer... it is by... an electrified propulsion system... using electromagnetism... electromotive force... gravity... and magnetism. By this manner... we can gently lift... off the Earth... one foot... ten feet... ten thousand feet... or ten thousand miles. The principle works... it is inexpensive. And craft are truly... spacecraft. When we say they are spacecraft... they can go from... New York City to Baltimore... or they can go from Baltimore to the Moon... and return. They are not expendable. 1:25:17 Now... in the manner... of... the... action and reaction principle... one of Newton's great laws... and the rocket truly works. But it worked... eleven hundred years ago for the Chinese... so what are we doing. The time for novelty is here... and we have the novelty. And... we're interruping the status quo... with our novelty... therefore we are... trying to sell the impossible telephone that won't work... or... if it does... it isn't any good. We can prove that our principle works and we challenge anyone... on any... manner... in any manner. The United States Government or any other government... or any scientist or any individual. We will challenge them... that we can make this work. 1:26:19 We can prove it... we have done it... we'll do it again. And were going to do it very soon. If fact we are in the processes of... fabricating... a ten foot model. Which will weigh approximately... the same amount... as the Sputnik that is up in the air now... which we are unable to do incidentally. They seem to be about five years ahead of us... far as weight is concerned. The cost of this... will be approximately thirty thousand dollars... and it... can be built within the next seventy days... and it can orbit with the... Sputnik. And with remote control systems... it can be brought back into our... a... surface... of the atmosphere... and reclaimed.

Long John Nebel : 1:27:09 Mr. Carr... I think that a... when we had the... pleasure of talking with you... a few months ago... you told us something... I think you gave us... a... the time... that it would take to go from the Earth to the Moon and back. I think you told us the time... and... and that is using your circular foil craft... is that true?

Otis T. Carr : 1:27:37 I believe we did mention it. Our calculations... give us about five hours for a one way trip.

Long John Nebel : 1:27:44 For one way?

Otis T. Carr : 1:27:44 That's right. Approximately if you just went up in orbit once... you should be back in about ten hours.

Long John Nebel : 1:27:51 No... I don't mean about just orbiting... I mean... going to the Moon.

Otis T. Carr : 1:27:55 That's right. Go to the Moon and orbit... and come back.

first Sputnik
launched on
October 4, 1957

Long John Nebel : 1:27:57 Oh... go to the Moon... and orbit... and then come back.

Otis T. Carr : 1:27:59 That's right. About ten hours.

Long John Nebel : 1:28:01 Didn't you mention that a... you thought that it would be possible... for your craft to land on the Moon?

Otis T. Carr : 1:28:10 Is very possible... to land... anywhere with our craft. And landing on the Moon... would be extremely simple. However... we would most assuredly investigate... the situation before we landed.

Long John Nebel : 1:28:29 Mr. Colton... it seems that you...

Norman Colton : 1:28:30 I just wanted to... I wanted to expand on this a... answer the question of cost a little bit. The a... fact of the matter is... your speaking of the twenty million dollars and the four million dollars. People in industry know... that the beginning prototype... and the beginning production pilot models of any... entirely new assembly of components... is costly because of the tooling... a... the manufacturing of fixtures... and plant... and so forth... from which the first of such devices is constructed. And so the twenty million dollars... for the first full scale OTC X-1 Craft. Then we come down to the four million... and a... we are rather exact about these things... because we know what goes into these craft... the OTC series of craft. 1:29:28 Possibly the... divergence in a... these various prices... that are quoted around... about things that have not yet been done... is because they don't know... quite what they are going to do. Now when we say four million dollars... we mean that we can... after the first craft... the first pilot production model is proved out... that we can then... a... licence any aircraft... or... prime contractor... airframe manufacture in the world. To produce passenger carrying craft... of say... a hundred seventy-five a... person in capacity... at... to a... sell to the airline companies... the operating companies... at about four million dollars... on normal trade terms. And of course... these craft being electromagnetically propelled... with power packages that use available space energies... 1:30:34 will a... not use any other form of fuel... would not need to carry any other load of fuel. All of the cubage will be payload. They will be completely noiseless... vibration-less... and will not have the a... structural stresses... of present type craft... that operate on aerodynamic principles. So that a... these figures of... a hundred fifty million dollars... several billions of dollars for... things that have not yet been done... I feel are... pure guess work... based on the fact that they don't know... what they are going to do... or... how they are going to do it. Recently in a periodical publication a very large circulation... I see a conjectural... a... graph drawn... with lines extending... in curves out from the Earth that the I.C.B.M. will cost two billion more. 1:31:41 The anti-missile missile six to seven billon more. A thousand pound satellite... twenty-five million... a man satellite... three to four billion. A manned rocket to the Moon... four of five billion. Interplanetary travel... fifteen billion. We say that these things... are pure fantasy... their unrealistic. And that they... need not cost the American or any other tax payer... any such fantastic sum. Because we can... take people to the Moon and back... on regular round trip schedules. For... four million dollars a vehicle... with one hunderd and seventy-five passengers.

Long John Nebel : 1:32:21 A hundred and seventy-five passengers... does that include the crew?

Norman Colton : 1:32:27 laughs... We're getting a... a little more specific there than a... I believe I'm able to. Lets say... a hundred and seventy-five would be an outside figure... for a four million dollar craft.

Long John Nebel : 1:32:43 Do you have any idea of what it would cost? I mean you told us... it would cost four million dollars to build it. But... as far as fuel is concerned?

Norman Colton : 1:32:52 The fuel is free.

Long John Nebel : 1:32:54 The fuel is... available?

Norman Colton : 1:32:57 As far as I am able to... decide for myself...
from my... rather limited education in these... natural physical matters... a... freely available anywhere in this Solar System. Whether it would be the same throughout the Universe... in the same... a... relative equations... I don't know... I haven't gone... that far with my studies.

Long John Nebel : 1:33:22 One other... question... will they serve steaks and cocktails?

Norman Colton : 1:33:29 That would depend on... the law of supply and demand... the...

Long John Nebel : 1:33:32 I didn't mean on the Moon.

Norman Colton : 1:33:34 ... marketing and compition...

Long John Nebel : 1:33:34 I'm talking about... on the craft... when we go to the Moon?

Norman Colton : 1:33:39 This is a question of... trade control in Space. And a... it opens up a whole... interesting area... of further discussion.

Charles Leedham : 1:33:49 This is true.

Long John Nebel : 1:33:49 Charles.

Charles Leedham : 1:33:50 Well it's nice... there apparently would be
no operating cost... after the original four million... so... this is quite the good investment.

Long John Nebel : 1:33:56 Maintenance.

Charles Leedham : 1:33:57 What... maintenance?

Otis T. Carr : 1:34:58 Yes

Charles Leedham : 1:33:59 Well... there will be maintenance.

Long John Nebel : 1:34:00 Oh yeah.

Charles Leedham : 1:34:01 Oh I see.

Otis T. Carr : 1:34:01 We have nothing else...

Charles Leedham : 1:34:02 (?)(?)(?)...

Otis T. Carr : 1:34:03 ... the energies... the energies that we use... are perpetual. The things that we bulld... wear out.

Charles Leedham : 1:34:09 I see. I... a...

Long John Nebel : 1:34:14 I'm speachless.

I'm speachless.
Well it's nice there apparently would be
no operating cost after the original four million so this is quite the good investment.

Charles Leedham : 1:34:15 I... there's... oh... there is one point in here. Mr. Colton said at one point... that the... the demonstration model... will be built... would be demonstrated in seventy days. And Mr. Carr later said... it can be done in seventy days. Now which... which is... the statement? Perhaps I misunderstood you Mr. Colton. Is this thing definately going to be built and demonstrated... seventy days from now?

Norman Colton : 1:34:39 We a... predicate everything we say... on the fact first... that we wake up alive tomorrow morning. Secondly... that we have the... money for a... sustenance.

Charles Leedham : 1:34:55 This may be the... life point.

Norman Colton : 1:34:56 So that a... we always qualifiy everything we say...
to some small extent... we say... it is our present a... intention... and that from our knowledge of our abilities... a... we will be able to... demonstrate these craft in public... within the next seventy days.

Charles Leedham : 1:35:15 Is it now a matter of... you are now... planning to do it... provided of course as you... so aptly say... that you wake-up alive tomorrow morning. Or that would... will do it if somebody gets up thirty thousand worth of scrach from you?

Otis T. Carr : 1:35:28 May I answer... to this extent... that we do have... a... work being done on the fabrication of this model. And a... in so far as our needs consist concern... that which we are worthy of... we seem to be able to receive. We feel that we are going to... complete this model and demonstrate it within seventy days.

Charles Leedham : 1:35:54 uh huh

Long John Nebel : 1:35:56 You're not sure about this... though.

Charles Leedham : 1:35:58 (?)(?)...

Otis T. Carr : 1:35:58 We have quite a feeling about it.

Long John Nebel : 1:36:00 I mean... there there...

Charles Leedham : 1:36:01 You know...

Long John Nebel : 1:36:01 I mean... I wouldn't argue the point... whether if it took... a hundred days.

Otis T. Carr : 1:36:05 Right.

Long John Nebel : 1:36:05 In other words... there is a possibility... in two years from now... we could be sitting around this table and talking to you and... maybe you haven't even produced the first one.

Otis T. Carr : 1:36:18 In two years from now we expect to be talking to you from the Moon.

Long John Nebel : 1:36:24 This is a real first... I going to get... huh?

Charles Leedham : 1:36:27 Yes... you'll be interested to know though John...

Long John Nebel : 1:36:30 That's a classic of lines... believe me.

Don Dunn : 1:36:32 laughs...

Long John Nebel : 1:36:33 I need a statue... you didn't time that right.

Don Dunn : 1:36:37 laughs...

Margaret Storm : 1:36:37 laughs

Long John Nebel : 1:36:37 That's when we... (?). That's... that's from blow off... for the end of the night... you wrap up the show that way... you don't even...

Don Dunn : 1:36:43 laughs...

Long John Nebel : 1:36:46 We'll be talking to you from the Moon.

Charles Leedham : 1:36:48 There's a...

Long John Nebel : 1:36:49 Don't try to top it Charlie.

Charles Leedham : 1:36:50 I'm not... definitely not. I was reading through a... the book here... Return of the Dove... and I find that Mr. Carr... is supported by... as a... the author says... no less a person than... El Morya Chohan of the First Ray. Who is stated... that no Earth person... in an unascended body... will be permitting the freedom of the cosmic highways. And this... this is the kind of conformation that we all look for.

Otis T. Carr : 1:37:22 We have... a... an answer.

Charles Leedham : 1:37:25 Does it need an answer... sir?

Otis T. Carr : 1:37:27 Well... we also have the definition.

Charles Leedham : 1:37:31 I would.. I would like to hear that.

Otis T. Carr : 1:37:33 We feel very strongly... that the attraction between bodies... is relative...

Charles Leedham : 1:37:40 uh huh

Otis T. Carr : 1:37:41 ... that as long as we are attracted to the Earth... more than any other body... we are part of the Earth. But if we get within the atmosphere of another planet... or... or another system... such as the Moon. And become... influenced by this attraction... away from the attraction of the Earth... there will be a... a period of... transition. It will be instantaneous... and it will be momentous.

Charles Leedham : 1:38:11 huh... that's the answer?

Otis T. Carr : 1:38:14 Yes.

Charles Leedham : 1:38:15 Thank you sir.

Margaret Storm : 1:38:16 You see...

Charles Leedham : 1:38:16 Yes mam.

Margaret Storm : 1:38:16 ... um... the... of course it's is very a... a... unusual... and a... very totalling... to simply pick out... a... a... a sentence... without having read the entire manuscript... that leads up to that sentence. This is rather... ridiculous to... through something like that out... and a... I a... am... sure that being and author and a TV producer... that you will appreciate the point... that a... quoting something of that sort... a... to the public is a...

Long John Nebel : 1:38:58 Was that quoted out of context... would you say?

Margaret Storm : 1:39:01 Well as I say... a... I don't know just what page he is reading on there...

Charles Leedham : 1:39:06 Forty-three.

Margaret Storm : 1:39:06 Forty-three.

Long John Nebel : 1:39:07 It would be unfair anyway... because Mrs. a... Storm... is not familiar with this script either... that is... this perticular publication of it... because she... you didn't see this?

Margaret Storm : 1:39:17 No... never.

Long John Nebel : 1:39:18 Right. And a... Mrs. Storm... if I may say this... certainly not defending Charles... I don't think he needs any defense... but however... we only received... a... these copies... about five minutes before we went on the air.

Margaret Storm : 1:39:36 Yes... that...

Long John Nebel : 1:39:37 You know all of it... you're aware of it... you've never even seen this.

Margaret Storm : 1:39:40 That's right.


first half ends : 1:39:42

Transcribed by : Curtis Cooperman
This was a huge undertaking to get this here for all to read.
November 16, 2018 I just fixed the overlapping problem
which took the entire day to create smaller grids instead of
4 long grids. Now there are spaces between the grids.
Read Margaret Storm's book I transcribed on this site.
When you're ready for the second half
last update
9 July 2021 ~ 11:23
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Historicity Productions
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