Nikola Tesla
Electroscope performed in this report :

Can A Man Live Forever?

Nikola Tesla Assistant Professor
Chaper 5
Nikola Tesla Electroscope Chapter 6
Nikola Tesla Electroscope combination
X-Ray and Microscope
Chapter 7
Looking through Electroscope Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Life Perpetual !
Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Nikola Tesla
.... ~~..Can A Man Live Forever?
......................Chapter 10
...................Life Perpetual !
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla
Electroscope in Tesla's Laboratory
Circulatory system full of white corpuscles
Chapter 14
Natural Science: Nikola Tesla of New York City
Chaper 4
Chapter X
Life Perpetual !
1904 usher into the world
a new civilization.
Whole pages of the newspapers
were given over to the accounts
of the discovery.
Chapter 10 ~ Life Perpetual !
even probabibilty of eternal life,
the relation of blood to life.

..... It was here that the secret of life was discovered.

Chapter 10 ~ Life Perpetual !
What is the fluid on which
the corpuscles live and thrive?
they built what looked like
a large man.
Chapter 10 ~ Life Perpetual !
Chapter 10 ~ Life Perpetual !
..... The papers of that period are replete with vivid descriptions of this blood-making machine.
Chapter 10 ~ Life Perpetual !
..... They were duplicating nature's work of digestion.
End Chapter 10
in the end,
after eighteen months of experiments,
they had produced the life-giving fluid
Thomas Edison did not...
lit up the dark ages with
his electrical discoveries.

(Nikola Tesla shows us 4 ways
to produce or collect electricity.
This Tesla web site covers all 4 ways).
.....................Curtis Cooperman

Chapter 10 ~ Life Perpetual !
last update
25 June 2021 ~ 15:01
Hello Earth
Historicity Productions
Historicity Productions
91 River Rd.
Stockton, New Jersey 08559
1994 - 2021
all rights reserved
Tesla has taught us to capture and collect
lightning bolts from our Earth.
We are on this path.
site creator & host
Curtis Cooperman
Tesla Electricity
for Health
Tesla Created Ozone
We Create Homozon
Tesla discovered how to
Collect Earth Electricity
to run our airplanes,
to run our cars and,
to run everything on
our Earth.
A Fred Fernandez Creation
Watch on YouTube
Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Nikola Tesla
.... ~~..Can A Man Live Forever?
......................Chapter 10
...................Life Perpetual !
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla