Nikola Tesla
Electroscope performed in this report :

Can A Man Live Forever?

Nikola Tesla Assistant Professor
Chaper 5
Nikola Tesla Electroscope Chapter 6
Nikola Tesla Electroscope combination
X-Ray and Microscope
Chapter 7
Looking through Electroscope Chapter 8
Chapter 16
The Discovery
Universally Applied
Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Nikola Tesla
.... ~~.Can A Man Live Forever?
.............Chapter 16 ~ The
....Discovery Universally Applied
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla
Electroscope in Tesla's Laboratory
Circulatory system full of white corpuscles
Chapter 14
Natural Science: Nikola Tesla of New York City
Chaper 4
Chapter XVI
The Discovery Universally Applied
Chapter 16 ~ The Discovery Universally Applied
..... It was Monday, January 2, 1905, that the first application of the elixir was made to a grown person.
.....Leandro Martinez, the Inmate heretofore referred to, was selected for the experiment, and the receiving case for the elixir was attached to the mammary vein on the left breast.
..... The professors found no difficulty, and from a surgical standpoint no difficulty was anticipated, in making the operation. That vein was deemed the most convenient and best adapted, and the receiving cass at that point regarded as the least liable to accident or injury. Professor Dodson, of the Department of Physiology, performed the operation.
..... The experience with Leandro Martinez differed from that of the child only in respect to the time in which the elixir was taking sole possession of his system. The greatest care was taken of him, as in all similar cases; and, in his case it was with watchful interest that the professors and nurses watched the transformation.
..... For the first few days liquid food was given him through the old method of introducing nourishment, to prevent injuries that might have resulted from suddenly abandoning the old digestive organs. But gradually the quantity thus administered was lessened and the system instinctively drew from the source of supply at the opening of the mamerary vein. As the system adapted itself to the new method of receiving its food the quantity required proved to be much...
Chapter 16 ~ The Discovery Universally Applied
greater than in the case of Vivian Anson. On some days as much as two pounds of the elixir was absorbed; and after the tenth to the eighty-fifth day the average was a pound and a half.
.....After the eighty-fifth day the quantity required continued to lessen, day by day, till the 10th day of May, following, when the normal quantity established, per day, was 10 grains; to remain at this for several years during the period of second growth; and, after that, to require only what was necessary to take the place of loss by friction and through the growth of the hair and nails ~ as it is to-day.
.....With Leandro Martinez, as in all similar cases, the kidneys were the last to cease action in throwing off the old system, and they lost their function at the end of about one hundred days.
.....From the time the bulletin was issued in December, 1904, that gave the opinion of the faculty of the Institute that a great discovery had been made ~ an announcement that startled every one ~ there was no time lost in preparation for its application to the human race. Everywhere, in all nations, the work of preparation began, and was rapidly pushed forward. No expense, energy or pains was spared; and with each day's news from the Institute confirmatory of the opinion first formed, acivity was quickened and rapidity given to the work of erecting laboratories and preparing for the general application of the discovery to the whole human race.
.....By the first day of February, 1905, at over fifty places the application of the discovery had begun. Scientific men, with an education adapted to a quick understanding of the subject, from all parts of the...
Chapter 16 ~ The Discovery Universally Applied
world, were hurrying to Pueblo, informing themselves and as quickly returning home to begin the work of aiding in hastening in the new life.
..... The scenes and incidents of that period are a thrice told story; and, though a thousand years have since passed, it will live, for all time, the most pronounced in the history of the Universe. It was the dawn of a new day ~ a day that was to last eternal for all, save a few whose impaired health carried them away before the application of the discovery could be made in their cases.
..... Vivian Anson's home on the Missouri River, near Kansas City, is the mecca to which thousands, annually, journey, to see the first specimen of a new and purified race.
..... Leandro Martinez returned to Italy, where he resides at present in a magnificent mansion, a sovereign citizen reclaimed in body and mind and purified of the crime that had cursed his early life.
..... What has since and will for all time claim
..... But why tell of the many characters who took part in the scenes and incidents that ushered out of existence the vague, indefinite and imperfect life that was, and gave to the world the new and perfect life that is! Their names, immortal, are carved on the memory of mankind; and, annually their histories are told, present and past, as they meet in reunion in the shadow of the great Rocky Mountains, and on the shore of beautiful Lake Minnequa, where, together, in the National Institute of Science, they had unlocked the gates that now stand perpetually ajar.
Chapter 16 ~ The Discovery Universally Applied
the attention of the race, is the interest found in wandering among the tombs of the dead past.
..... The history of the world, antedating the new age, concerning the human race, is investigated and commented on with never-ceasing interest.
..... At one or more periods the race had reached an intellectural status that approved of the study of humanilty; but from errors or selfish forces at work among them, the progress had each time been checked, and a retrograde movement had carried them back again to semi-barbarism.
..... The most notable instance of this, verified by history, was about two thousand years prior to the advent of the new race. It appears that only a part of the world was known at that time, about half of it, embracing the Eastern Continent. The race had gradually ascended from a barbarous condition to what was known as a commercial age ~ with cities, society, arts, and other advantages. But, the instinct of preying upon each other, when, half naked, they had roamed the Earth in tribes, remained with them in a semi-civilized condition ~ resulting in making war on each other. With the most deadly weapons in their hands they would march forth, great armies on each side, and join in battle leaving thousands of their numbers, frequently, dead on the field or suffering anguish and pain from wounds received.
..... It was even considered humane tokill the wounded, to end their misery. The victorious party proceeded to loot the camp of their opponents and over run their territory, make slaves of their wives and children ~ this was civilization founded upon conquest.
Chapter 16 ~ The Discovery Universally Applied
They Killed Each Other in Battle
..... This external, or inter-tribal war, was but a counterpart of what was going on within the tribe or nation itself. Where the nation lives by despoiling others, it is not remarkable that individuals should pursue the same policy in supplying their wants. Man was arrayed against man, patrician against plebeian; knowledge, religion, wealth and power were selfishly grasped by the few and used to oppress and depress the many. Enforced ignorance; distorted religion and knowledge; class enacted laws, ~ produced a media for engendering vice, hatred, and disease, that could mean but individual, social, and national death.
Chapter 16 ~ The Discovery Universally Applied
..... Nor were piracy and brute force the only methods for preying on each other. In the manner in which their commercial society was put together, those wiser in their commercial way than others, discovered how they could arrange laws that would cause fortunes to come to themselves. The people were taught to obey the laws, little suspecting that through these laws they were subtly being despoiled, by indirection of that which was the producrt of their industry.
..... It was in this manner, principally, that society was dissolved amidst confusion and disorder to rise again at a later period.
..... It was in this manner, principally, that society was disolved amidst confusion and disorder to rise again at a later period.
..... How many times they had thus risen is not known, except, that it had happened twice ~ once when Asia was the central point of greatness, and the second time when Rome was the capital city of, to them, the known world. The latter instance is the one referred to about two thousand years prior to the New Age. It, however, was to be the last time, ~ the last retrograde movement of the human race was to make. An account of that period will be found in the preserved histories of what is known as the Dark Ages.
..... That we are to-day enjoying the blessings, that have since come to our race, is due to the triumph of the republican or democratic form of government. This...
..... From the ignorance into which they descended, at this last time referred to, the progress upward was slow. During that period two general forms of government claimed the attention of the people and over which the people disputed. One was known as the monarchical form of government, and the other a republican, or democratic, form of government, the two latter words meaning very much the same.
Chapter 16 ~ The Discovery Universally Applied
will be readily understood when the meaning of the two is explained.
..... Monarchical government was based on the theory that most of the people were not competent to study and intelligently express themselves on questions of policy for society as a whole; that those who could best do this were large property owners and men of vast business experience; that the success of a few in the acquirement of wealth gave to them a superior knowledge that could best guide the affairs of state. Those owning the wealth and possessing the widest education and greatest accomplishments were afraid to trust the poorer, and what they believed to be, the more ignorant classes with equal rights in framing laws.
..... On the other hand, the plain people, as they were called, claimed that the true purpose of government was the promotion of the physical, mental and moral culture of the human race, and that the plain people were as good, if not better, judges of what was best for humanity, than the elect and few whose minds were occupied with the acquirement of wealth and vain things.
..... They claimed that selish forces, in control, ruined popular government and made it unpopular with the unthinking. That true popular government came with responsibility, conferred on all citizens, and, general education fostered by the government on question of national policy; and with all voting the designs of the selfish were negatived and a more righteous and unselfish judgment was obtained.
..... Those representing monarchical ideas doubted if man, anywhere, or under any circumstances, was fitted...
Chapter 16 ~ The Discovery Universally Applied
for self-government; and that those most interested in commerce and wealth should assume guardianship for all.
..... To this the advocates of humanity answered, that if man anywhere, or under any circumstances, was not fitted for self-government, then with greater positiveness it could be said, that a "class", selected to govern, was not capable by the very force of selfish human nature from being just rulers over those whom they sought to govern. That if the people as a whole could not make a success of government, much less could a class that had invariably used government for self-aggrandizement, be trusted to make a success of government. That what had interfered mostly with self-government being perfected, was individual and class selfishness, that had interfered with and disruped the plans of wise and unselfish people who sought to put in operation just plans of self-government.
..... So that through a long period of years, with each attempt at setting up a free government, the two contending forces of selfish aggrandizement and disinterested love of humanity, had clashed, preventing the latter from more than a partial arraignment of their desired and necessary plans of government, ~ that would have resulted sooner, had they succeeded, in the elevation of the human race.
..... And thus the struggle between these two contending forces had proceeded through centuries ~ a struggle between darkness and light.
..... One sought life, liberty and property ~ with a great deal of concern for the latter. Liberty, to them, meant license to prey upon those whom they despoiled.
..... The other sought life, liberty and happiness ~ with...
Chapter 16 ~ The Discovery Universally Applied
more concern for the latter than a covetous disposition to acquire property. To them, liberty, meant the right to enjoy the reward of their energy, unembarrassed by tributes that laws and kings had laid upon them.
..... Those favoring monarchy, looking to the past, saw, by the light of history, amidst riots, confusion, turbulence and tyranny, the failure of all experiments of government in which the people bore a principal share of the power.
..... But the advocates of popular or republican government, looking to the past, and following the bloody footprints of the tortured slaves, peasants, serf, laborers, and ignorant hirelings, who were the victims of monarchy, saw only too plainly the road marked as with milestones, by monuments of monstrous cruelties and tyrannical excesses of government by which the few forced the many to contribute to them of their earnings; they saw the dark crimes, the inquisitions, the gibbets, the bastiles, the graves of the martyrs; they saw the people crouching in ignorance and servility, depoiled by robbers in the garments of kings and princes who rioted in splendid palaces built by the hands of pillaged labor.
..... These were the two contending forces that had sought possession of human governments.
..... The former was built upon the law of covetousness; the latter upon, humanity ~ the general good of the human race.
.....The success of the republican form, tended to the gereral education and elevation of the people. It taught them to rely on themselves. It gave to each a greater individuality of will and self-resepct; a greater...
Chapter 16 ~ The Discovery Universally Applied
An Average Farmer's Residence 1904
Chapter 16 ~ The Discovery Universally Applied
regard for state, family and neighbors, and a broader comprehension of civilization founded on the idea of humanity.
.....When to the few and "elect" the right was conceded to make laws, it was taken advantage of to enrich themselves. In one instance they enacted a law that provided that all lands should descend to the eldest son of the man dying possessed of the land ~ and this resulted in time in a very few ownig all the land; the remaining people being tenants to the few.
.....So subtle were some of these laws, so hard for the people to understand their ultimate effect for evil, it was with the greatest difficulty the masses emerged from under the burthens thus imposed. In England, up to the very time of humanity's final triumph, the royal family, as they were called, were paid from money taken from the people, millions of dollars, annually.
.....The selfish classes were glad to have this royal family, as it served as a type, defining caste. The wealthy class in a monarchy were pleased with this and wished that the masses should recognize it as a proper division of society. This idea of tinsel and grandeur, of a vain sort, was borrowed from tribes of savages, whose chiefs, plumed in feathers, strutted with pomp and vain pride in the presence of their fellow-creatures.
.....Had free government been lost, all would have been lost with it, and another retrograde movement would have set in that would have carried the world back to another Dark Age.
.....In the year 1900, just prior to the great discovery which was to perfect the physical life of the race, republican government was being sorely besieged in the...
Chapter 16 ~ The Discovery Universally Applied
United States of America. The selfish forces which were about to be worsted, rallied for a final attack upon the civilization which had routed them from many of their strongholds, and which they had reason to fear meant to banish them entirely.
.....With a zeal born of desperation the allied forces of selfishness, and the persons connected by tastes or marriage with the effete princes of Europe, united with the vicious and mercenary element ~ buying, cajoling and threatening ~ they marshaled their forces, and prepared to take possession of the republic. With many powerful agencies, which they controlled or bribed, they not only made the patriotic defenders of free government tremble with fear for their institution, but impressed many fickle and unthinking persons with the idea that republican government had failed, and that a resort to a mild form of monarchical government was necessary.
.....The battle was a hard fought one, and the forces of humanity and progress gained a signal victory over the selfish and reactionary element. The strength of mammon was broken. Eveywhere the hope of mankind for future development was shown to depend upon the survival and perfecting of popular rule, through a direct vote of the people on all questions of national policy. The blighting influence of monarchic and class government was reiterated and illustrated by many historical examples. Thus the republic withstood the storm, and was prepared to enter the transition stage from which it should emerge purified, vitalized and glorified by the production of a New Race of perfect beings ~ free to follow
out their destiny ~ unembarrassed by the accidents of birth and death.
End Chapter 16
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25 June 2021 ~ 15:29
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Venus Tesla Connection introduction ~ home page
.Nikola Tesla
.... ~~.Can A Man Live Forever?
.............Chapter 16 ~ The
....Discovery Universally Applied
.Margaret Storm~~.~loved Tesla
.Arthur H. Matthews~.knew Tesla